Tim Barrus Blog

Posts tagged with tim-barrus

  1. It Is The 6th Dimension That Controls Time

    The fifth dimension is time itself. Yet the sixth dimension controls time, and it’s where time can be bent at the touch points, but it can only go forward because timelines are a list of options. There’s the one you took. That list would be the size of a black…

  2. We Do Not Know What Art Is

    I write books that challenge the nature of identity. I do that on purpose. I am not my characters. I am my characters. A lot of that can be done by having one’s characters confront art. Do they confront art or are these fictional people who only look. Most novels


    There Were No Roads Tim Barrus

  4. TimBarrusNewYorkTimes

    I have a very sick and twisted relationship with the New York Times. I used to have one spy. Now, I have two. The fundamental problem with NYT is called Elitism. That word is now a source of friction between the Publisher and the President. Biden will be taking New…

  5. Back Into the Earth

    Tim Barrus, the New York Times

  6. Scratching Glass

    I do not remember writing this. But some kind soul sent it to me to remind me what an idiot I am. But some of it does hit home. It was published in the New York Times 2009. Shame on me. Back in the States, under my desk, packed in

  7. Tricks Among the Travellers

  8. Portofino

  9. Tim Barrus: Dirt Bike Town

    The Novel I am writing now: Literary Fiction: Dirt Bike Town by Tim Barrus I ask you. How many autistic, neurodivergent, authors do you really know. Most of us mask it, I do. I am not Romeo Void, but I do love him. Romeo Void will be starring in the

  10. Writers Do Not Dare To Acknowledge the Blacklist

    The idea that publishers can blacklist, and, turning on a dime, speaking to another audience altogether, about how much we so need the books they publish to save our culture. The word transparency will pop up. Burning our books and blacklisting us is the same exact thing. – Tim Barrus

  11. College by Any Other Name

    Tim Barrus and the New York Times Pam Paul at the New York Times always grabs me because she’s a talented storyteller, and often, her work sheds light for me, the reader, into spaces that are reserved by people who are elsewhere. Ms Paul presents to us a glittering vision

  12. The Great American Novel by Tim Barrus

    Through all the dystopia, it was dawning on them, dystopia or no dystopia, the diaspora would be a tidal wave. There were no roads. – tim barrus

  13. a moment of memory

    lost in that place again and it’s sleet bleeding through that window of battering, embrace of the dandelion, snap 2///  


    all, all/ my books/// have been burned here and there, ripped to shreds, blacklisted, by people on my front porch armed with forks and spoons/ editors get off on sticking it up my ass, well how am i to keep you down/ play it the way feel it/ i get…

  15. Then Stands

    hiding and laughing/ under the bed/ what are you, nine/ i would be nine, but i do not know how/ today, we are both under the bed/ telling stories of ourselves/ that time we danced with divine/ in speedos/ don’t give me that american flag one/ we keep falling over…

  16. What Does Autistic Mean

    We know what autistic means. Usually, we have to pretend to be like you. Or you will kill us. We get it. We so get it.

  17. The Great American Novel

    Poetic Justice: The Great American Novel has been surpassed by the Great Irish Novel. The Great Irish Novel is more focused and more tied to the idea of reality – one in which great waiting with patience occurs. The Great American Novel is no longer great. It’s worth is a…

  18. The Normals Want U 2 Explain

    Explain what. I suspect you might get better answers elsewhere. My eyes to the sky. “Explain this!” No.

  19. Do Not Touch Me

    As patients, we are not allowed to say no. I’m a man, not a rectum. In what universe are we talking about here. Not mine. Not me. Not now. Not ever. If I even hear the word – colonoscopy – I walk in the opposite direction. My eyes to the

  20. Tim Barrus: New York Times

    Great travelers. The great travelers on the happy planet do not include themselves as victims in all the looking back at where they have been. I’m autistic, and really cannot make sense out of how political parties came to be regarded as the tails that wag the dragon. I’m so

  21. Sleeping in Hammocks

    I think in images. Not words. I do take those words and my job is to translate them into ideas homo sapiens can understand. Usually, they don’t get it, and you begin to realize that they are just not going to get it. No matter what. A brick wall is

  22. What Book Is It Like

    I am now used to the questions (plural) about what book is the book I am writing now like. The question is, I guess, inevitable. I smile and nod. Gravity’s Rainbow. But anyone born after 1987 will not have read it. Or they’ve read it but they are all in…

  23. ChinaTown ChinaTown

    It’s about the money. Everyone has their bugabuga religion. What happens to speech. Speech here. Speech there. I want to know about speech in Russia, the DRC, what happened in France, les confréries de la langue, what is speech in Japan. I hesitate to use the term Free Speech anywhere.

  24. It Is All A Blur

    The wild waters of this roar are made in the fortitude of salt. Just salt. Miles and miles of salt. Mountains of salt. And the bones that fell there. – Tim Barrus

  25. Dirt Bike Town

    Proof of Endurance