Tim Barrus Blog

Posts tagged with tim-barrus

  1. Everything I Own Fits Into One Bag

    There are always people (on the fucking Internet) who claim that I am pure evil. They also maintain that I kill children to eat them. How many people am I supposed to fight. If I am so deranged and greedy, then why did I turn down being gifted any car

  2. ICBM Silo: Dirt Bike Town

    Thirty-five miles northwest of Dirt Bike Town, back in the boons, there was only one way to explore, and that would be via dirt bike which Dirt Bike Town, had a few of those. There is a circular metal hatch on the ground. There are security cameras around. But those

  3. I left him there because we have gone through this fifty times.

    How many times can I bail him out of detention before they finally have had their fill of him. Boys like him in Appalachia are a dime a dozen. He needs help. Not prison. Where do you think most rapes of boys happen. It happens in the very institutions we…

  4. I whip my hair back and forth I whip my hair back and forth.

    I think my grandchildren need a dirt bike.


    https://daylightbooks.org DAYLIGHT BOOKS I cannt even tell you or explain how photography (it’s probably a stim) has touched its hot breath into my life not unlike a tongue you want that tonge in your mouth because the immediacy of whatever it is that holds humanity together by images – hands…

  6. Tim Barrus: Coyote Den

    Last night, the three coyotes slept in the coyote den I made. I needed to make the den bigger. I dug a hole in the cedar. Cleaned out the hibiscus. I wore gloves. I did not know about the puppy. They protect the puppy with their coyote lives and they…

  7. Tim Barrus, New York Times

    I did not tell you in my New York Times response anything about the delight of peeing on the tree killers below me. The New York Times would cane me. You can’t even write the word pee. The Gatekeepers will fuck you if they can. It’s what they do. Tree

  8. Tim Barrus, New York Times

    This in no way exonerates anyone or any institution, market place, slave gallery, stock, stockholders, unions, pet-food-makers, killers, lawyers, and other bloodthirsy Homo sapiens. I condemn you all. You are beneath contempt. All of you.

  9. Tim Barrus, New York Times

    I hear they go naked under the robes. It’s fun to poke them because it robs them of their ritualized validity. Satire is protected speech. Since this is not the New York Times, I can say that they have no authority and even less moral authority. Make me pay this

  10. Tim Barrus, New York Times

  11. Tim Barrus, New York Times

    I can hear them grit their teeth at the New York Times. Turn on the AI, Zelda. It’s coming for all of you.

  12. Tim Barrus, New York Times

    On any given day, I am apt to see everything from bears to coyotes. The mountain is an awesome thing.

  13. Let’s Openly Sell Supreme Court Comedy Hour Seats and Some of Those Darth Vader Masks Psssss, Pssss

  14. Tim Barrus, New York Times

    Publications who produce this kind of landed gentry pornography, are dealing with the materials of selling history as something you can wrap around you. The hush hush secret to this castle are the dragons in the back.  

  15. The Strange Mystery Of It

  16. Tim Barrus: Face Full On

    I have been visiting “Banjo Events.” I have no idea what I am doing. I go into the woods with cameras and click away. People usually laugh. But they will be suspicious. And that is fine. I am from the Land of Wolves. I do not know. What it means.…

  17. Tim Barrus: Sometimes I Go Back to Places I Have Lived

    I see the places I have lived quite differently from when I was living there.

  18. Tim Barrus, New York Times

    Your truth and my truth are not the same.

  19. Tim Barrus, New York Times

    The very idea that conservatives can be “cultural warrors” is fraught with problems. Like the nature of reality.

  20. Tim Barrus, New YorkTimes

    David Brooks was right in high school. Caste warfare is real.

  21. Tim Barrus, New York Times

    I find it amazing that we insist on cultural realities such as ritual to validate the cosmic us and them. The senate itself resembles the reign of George the Third. Spiritual guide for the aristocracy. All the old, fat men, impotent, bitter, and confused. They’re like the Terminator. They just…

  22. Tim Barrus, New York Times

    I exist. You do not exist because you have no particular importance. I exist. I am a persom. You are a Homo sapien. One of many. Garden variety humanism. An ordinary communist. I ghost people every day. I get ghosted every day. Ghosts are the last men standing, they have…

  23. Tim Barrus, New York Times

    You don’t get to have just one.

  24. Tim Barrus: Dirt Bike Town

    We rode trains for fun. You run. You hop in. You hope there are would be no desperation among the desperate. Men in the car you leaped into. There they’d be. In the margins. Like shadows. Red-eyed devils. White men sunk down into themselves. Black men in a corner. Seperate.…

  25. Tim Barrus, The Places Where We Used to Live

    I used to sleep in a grey sleeping bag with cowboys on the flannel inside of the sleeping bag with my pistols and plastic soldiers and one guy had a sword. I still wish I had a sword. The bad kids didn’t live down the dirt road. We were the…