Tim Barrus Blog
If You Have Ever Been Abandoned, This Is For You
Abandonment because it is a measurement as is time and fate. We do not know what time is because the now becomes the forever at the speed of light. The universe is determanistic.
Tim Barrus: Your Houses
I can’t really work inside houses because what I do requires so much space. Especially in painting on canvas. But a video might require a set. I am compelled to make sets that are a reflection of where the lyric is gone, or having arrived, or it was all too…
The Writer Is the Shirt Up Against the Wall of Publishing.
Everyone Hates Everyone.
Add up all the rage people hang their hats and lives on, and in my case, personally, I learned a long time ago, you gotta ignore the bullshit. The only thing that surprised me was the extent to which most of these individuals are writers. The idea…
You Are Not Alone
Digging Graves
Everything Is Conflicted
This Is What I Hear
Don’t tell me you don’t hear voices in your head cuz, baby, you do.
Clark’s Video
South Africa
My book, Anywhere, Anywhere was scripted into an off-broadway play.
I don’t know how I feel about this book. The entire experience in even dealing with the gay part of gay publishing operates under the same rules and restrictions mainstream publishing plays out as rituals. No one wanted to read about gay soldiers in Vietnam. Gay men did not read…