Tim Barrus Blog
I Have Never Lost a Bet
The wind against your dick. The helmets so unnecessary.
Everything I Own Fits Into One Bag
There are always people (on the fucking Internet) who claim that I am pure evil. They also maintain that I kill children to eat them. How many people am I supposed to fight. If I am so deranged and greedy, then why did I turn down being gifted any car…
ICBM Silo: Dirt Bike Town
Thirty-five miles northwest of Dirt Bike Town, back in the boons, there was only one way to explore, and that would be via dirt bike which Dirt Bike Town, had a few of those. There is a circular metal hatch on the ground. There are security cameras around. But those…
Tim Barrus: What Is A Moral Compass – NYT
From: Timothée Patrick BarrusCinematheque FilmsAdam B. Ellick, Executive DirectorOpinion Video,New York Times:A Moral CompassWhat I am about to write will probably get the usual Go Away response. And that is fine. I need to share this anyway. In my own work, Go Pro has…
Tim Barrus: Physics Report
Black Holes Could Be Memory
If memory is information, and it doesn’t matter if that information is neurological or not. Our lives can be broken down and analyzed through math and some theoretical physics. 2 Sides. 1.) No one knows what becomes of anything drawn into an event horizon. What…
I left him there because we have gone through this fifty times.
How many times can I bail him out of detention before they finally have had their fill of him. Boys like him in Appalachia are a dime a dozen. He needs help. Not prison. Where do you think most rapes of boys happen. It happens in the very institutions we…
I whip my hair back and forth I whip my hair back and forth.
I think my grandchildren need a dirt bike.
I Think I Was On That Team
I cannt even tell you or explain how photography (it’s probably a stim) has touched its hot breath into my life not unlike a tongue you want that tonge in your mouth because the immediacy of whatever it is that holds humanity together by images – hands…
I Went To School With These Guys And I Am Not Kidding
If you guys think you are god’s gift to women, the Big Bugabuga out in the woods. A mans’ man. I gotta question for you, Baby. If you are all of these things, why do you spend every waking hour playing games on a machine and jumping up and down…