Tim Barrus Blog
Some Monsters Are Real
Toilets of Appalachia
the truck stop down the highway from the coal mine used to buzzsaw with the traction of the action/ today, it’s kinda like getting fucked in the ass in a graveyard/ the walls of the toilets are a literary subterfuge/ call joey has been dead for twenty years/ people still…
Smash Street Takes Sex Ed on the Road
The Smash Street Boys have created their own sex-ed class because they contend that adults give out too much misinformation, and they say adults think kids are too stupid to understand what is being left out. So they invented their own curriculum that is based on questions and dialogues all…
The History of Getting Home
we were the boys who sat in the back of the class/ hoping against hope that no one would call on us/ bradon threw the football so hard that it hit bobby in the face and knocked him out/ we stood over him and kicked him to get up/
adding context to the trade-off where the real plays off again, the unreal unreal/ you decide/ my job is not to decide for you/ i could, but that renders the photographs more mundane than i can tolerate/ especially when the mundane among you, the ordinary, who have buried any creativity…
America is Toast: Tim Barrus, New York Times
Americans are not living through a social crisis. America is dying – not living – through the demystification that has always been smokescreen for what America is actually all about, and always has been.
A violent, unequal, class system that denies class even exists. The only evidence that suggests class…
Rogue Photographer
Timothée Barrus Photography
Bone Spurs: Tim Barrus: New York Times
The latest Democratic debate only forces me to wonder what the fuck. WHY. BOTHER.
The Nazis are not going to allow you to win shit.
Nevertheless, the debate was fascinating. Most of the actors played themselves. Their messages were more finely tuned that at any time before. That was not…
Hunger in Appalachia: Tim Barrus: New York Times
Inspirational films tell us to climb every mountain. Try climbing legislative mountains that would bring food to Appalachia. I live in Appalachia. The US Bureau of Labor Statistics recognizes this part of the country, and southern Ohio as — Appalachia — and lists it as distressed. Terminology code for the…
Tim Barrus: New York Times: Jumping Off the Cliff
Nicholas Kristoff at the New York Times is speaking about who and what American culture has left behind. I don’t think he sees much hope. If any. But he provides examples of hopefulness on the part of released prisoners.
Because he’s writing for an editor. I have written for…