Tim Barrus Blog
We Call Him Cookie
the photography is a sketch
the sketches they make of the boats out on the lake do not reflect the lake/ the lake as they know it is something they can jump in/ naked, of course/ even in the rain/ and they will go on falling and failing and flipping everyone they know the bird/…
the legends say
there is always a narrative/ usually one divorced from reality/ stones and bones/ many narratives were created from revenge/ if they say you are a criminal, you are a criminal/ if they say you get fucked in the ass, you get fucked in the ass/ if they make the point…
The Nightmare of Cops Who Rape
Tim Barrus: New York Times The crisp uniform of the police officer conveys power and authority. When a police officer puts on his or her uniform the officer is perceived in a very different way by the public. He or she is viewed as embodying each person’s stereotypes about all… -
rendering the very substance
I prefer the photographic eye to travel along a more sensual and emotionally intelligent path versus one that is telling me what has been constructed. I will decide what has been constructed and whether or not it has any insight or worth. To me.
Physics of Photography
The physics of photography extend to more than just what light does or what light is made of. Photography is a time machine through which travel is the necessary optic. Photos tell stories that have to do with time as we see it in a linear way, when time is…
What is Time
It is hard for human beings to understand that a thing might exist in the same moment it does not exist. It is an enigma. Electrons, too, can be in different parts of the universe even as they exist individually in totally different locations. How does one thing exist in…
What the Selfie Really Is
The selfie is just another tool in the repertoir of mating behavior that reminds the person who is the subject of the selfie that they are real. A selfie is a take on verisimilitude in that the subject understands that this image is of him and yet there’s more where…
Tim Barrus: New York Times
Abolishing the police is the only way to go if we desire going forward. The police are killing us. Who said they were allowed to murder people with impunity. Very few people discuss the inhumanity of operating prisons filled with people who have been condemned for minor drug offences. America…
silence the voices
Tim Barrus