Tim Barrus New York Times

Adapt or die.

What happens in Sturgis will not stay in Sturgis. Ignorance, hubris, and intransigence exist in the soul of America. Our species is subject to the same biological constructs that exist in every single evolutionary paradigm of adapt or die. It doesn’t matter if you want Johnny and Suzy to go to school. It doesn’t matter if you and your family wants to attend another funeral. It doesn’t matter if you need to go to Little Debbie’s wedding. It doesn’t matter if quarantine is hard. Quarantine is hard on everyone but it does not matter.

If our species is to survive, we have no choice but to adapt. The only question here is can we adapt to the extent that the virus does not spread. There is no evidence to suggest we can adapt that fast or adapt at all – not in spurts and starts – but completely, and there is a lot of evidence to suggest that our species is as ephemeral as an Achillobator in a tar pit.

I own a motorcycle and I ride it to escape Homo sapiens. Not to be among them. I would not drive to Sturgis anymore than I would slit my wrists with a razor blade. Simple survival for any species presents far more complex behaviors than Homo sapien will admit exist because the inference that we are subject to the same physics that the rest of the universe is built from, means we might not rule the day into eternity. There is no eternity. There is only now and here and now we accept our vulnerability or we become historical bones for some other species to study in a museum.
