Tim Barrus Blog

  1. here or there


  2. then what


  3. do not answer it


  4. Get Over Here


  5. The Body As the Palette

    https://tim-barrus.format.com/about But be careful. The human body is as forbidden as it always has been. To articulate it in dance, photography, painting, poetry, film, video, art galleries, the theatre, is to challenge the silence of the status quo of shame. And they will bust your ass for it. 

  6. Tim Barrus: New York Times

    https://www.nytimes.com/2019/02/22/opinion/christopher-hasson-extremism.html?comments#permid=30758363 I live in a small town in Appalachia. Hate is ordinary. It has a silence, too. A silence that says everything. A silence of indifference. The silence of ordinary people. My neighbors have always felt threatened. They listen intently to the hate in the media. The corporations – all

  7. gonorrhea of the ass

    When he arrived, he smelled badly. Like garbage on a hot summer day of dogs and death. When he first arrived, it took him a few days to remove his GoodWill coat. It was all he had. The coat smelled badly, too. The other boys eyed him warily. “Are they…

  8. cabin fever

    Been raining in Appalachia. Mixed with snow. Miserable. I don’t have time to be miserable. When the weather sucks… By the third day, I’m ready to push them outside. Fuck rain. Fuck snow. Fuck mud. If I have to listen to the collected songs of Nicki Minaj one more time…

  9. Video: Blow It Up

  10. Squat