Tim Barrus Blog
Tim Barrus: The New York Times is Aversive to Publishing Any Radical Voices Or Perspectives it Cannot Agree With Whatsoever
They publish conservative voices. They publish centrist voices. Sometimes, they publish a leftist voice. But they will not publish a radical voice under any circumstances. This time the issue is that communism and socialism is wrong. On war. War counts. Communist and socialists warn that we will implode. From corruption.…
Tim Barrus: According to Physics
Tim Barrus, Hydrate
A Road Trip. Through a Pandemic On a Dirt Bike. Protest to Protest. City to City. Riot to Riot. I have Neurological Hemorrhagic Dementia. Your bones dissolve inside you. The pain is breathtaking. Internal Bleeding Of The Brain. I Selectively Forget What I Want To Forget, too. Internalized venom. I…
Tim Barrus: New York Times
Larry Summers is your grandfather’s economics. What if Putin had put that $107,000,000 he spent on Russia’s debt, into Bit Coin instead. The fallout would be a challenge to the Central Bank. And then, let’s pretend he does it again. The snake bites back. Has anyone figured out that Putin…
Tim Barrus: Rough Trade
Old age fits me like a wet dress. Writing is this bloodsoaked dragon with the tongue to lash you with. See that treeline up there. When you start running, we will all probably miss.
Tim Barrus: New York Times
It’s simple. Russia will eat Europe’s Lunch. I would rather be nuked than eat Putin’s shit.
Tim Barrus: New York Times
I find myself writing about education again. Is there anyone still standing who believes public education has not failed as an institution. They put my special ed class down in the boiler room (kids called it the boiler maker) so no one had to see us. We had separate playgrounds.…
Tim Barrus: Depending On The Light
Between Wars.
I was a member of an army of drivers who were getting boys into Canada at the height of the War In Vietnam. These were secrets then. Vietnam in 1967 was a death sentence. As a dead man, no one wanted to know you. Keep your head down…
Tim Barrus: Putin
Pop culture will feel the scramble. It is happening now. SNL took a bite out of it. American politicians have huffed and puffed and please don’t blow my house down.
He not only blew your house down, but he slaughtered the children in it.
Tim Barrus: The Snow Outside
The snow. Last night falling quietly, the white against the back sky high as that elephant’s eye. Snow. The snow has descended. Your house is cold. You have no food. In fact, you own nothing. Not even yourself. No bed. We fixed that one. But I’m freezing. I know you…