Tim Barrus Blog
Tim Barrus: The Rich Old White Men Are Slithering Toward What They Love Most. War.
The dirt is one thing. A tarantula another. A cosmic slipping up the mud for miles. Your wings against the storms. In abundance shrinks from the tangles Homo sapiens have made. The dirt and her roses hungry in a moonlight of swimming in the lake alone. The sand biting at…
Tim Barrus, New York Times
Tim Barrus, New York Times
I am a communist. Every single book of the dozen I’ve published, has been banned. Here, in Appalachia, I am an evil radical. I came home one night to find all of my pets hung by the neck with wire, and hanging from the front…
Tim Barrus: Religion Is a Lie
I am a communist. I like the fact that communists would spread the wealth around. There is a lot of wealth out there to solve every single problem Homo sapiens have. From childhood disease to climate change. From the old white men and their cigars, to the women of the…
Tim Barrus, New York Times
I don’t get why the New York Times hates me.
Are you kidding me.
Most of the people I know in NYC, and I have my unwavering spies who surveil the lot of you bare naked and we can see your junk, are of the opinion, the New York Times…
Tim Barrus, New York Times
I am a communist. Overthrowing the rich is my shining dream on a hill. A dream of famine, carnage, and superstition. But don’t talk too much or too loudly because any portrayal of civility drowning in irrelevance will be met by throwing you into an enforced poverty and humiliation that…
Tim Barrus: Last Time I Did This, I Ripped the Pages Out & Glued Them 2 My Current Canvass
I am a communist. I don’t think like you do. I don’t see anything like you do. I am told that I am a High Functioning Autistic. But what does it mean. I have no idea. None. There are many things that we understand. Autism has a creeping sort of…
Tim Barrus: The Speed of Light
Ask anyone who has ever worked with me. On any project. Here. And there. And everywhere. No rings, just another raging sea. We have been set adrift. Destinies too deep to be. A wreckage in ten directions hallow like the sky. Ask anyone. H’e kinda odd. Kinda driven. Kinda doesn’t…
The seven directions of invisibility, howling like the whirling sky.
Tim Barrus: Remembrance of Things Past
Pushing galaxies around the bending of light, go home. And on your way note something new in the sky.
Tim Barrus: Walking Through Their Lives
A vignette. And then, I’m gone. I do not know where. The lava flow just pushes. You do not need a sail.