Tim Barrus Blog
Slink Away
Fusion Ignition
Behind the Demon’s Head
We were hiding in the trunk of a car. From Authority. Which usually meant hominids would be – all out cock hard– no, harder, much harder. Cheap Stock and Trade. Jack was the flashback of New Orleans. Busted for Grand Theft Auto. Auto. He told me…
Book Publishing Has Always Been a Train Wreck
For Pam Paul at the New York Times:
Publishing lives and dies by the blacklist. The blacklist decides. Not the editor. Not the PR guys. Not the publisher. It simply shows it’s not about what you write. It’s about the writer. Why did you write this. How many children do…
Chop Shop
Timothée Patrick Barrus
New York Times Most Notable, New York Times Magazine, Houghton Mifflin, Random House/Ballantine, New American Library, Dutton, Barcelona Publishing, South Korea Publishing, Columbia Journalism Review, Solares Hill, Desmodus Publications, Mach, Drummer, Advocate, Magazine Corporation of America, Esquire, Miami News, Reporter: Cibola Citizen, Taos: Crow Call Press, Boston Bay Windows,…
They Would Die 4 A Dirt Bike
So, I gave them dirt bikes. A lot of people – mommies – were going to hate my guts. The point of it was to distract them. Anger can limit so much of vision into a drunken blur. Dopamine runs wild as does adrenalin. Usually all around the lens that…
Tim Barrus, People Will Surprise You Careful What You Wish 4
I only make photographs where I am playing – you gotta play with it to get it – where there are sometimes nine dimensions just watch bleeding blue all over everything. There is nothing you can do to get the gatekeepers to listen. They are far, far more interested in…
When I am Naked With Them No 1 Even Thinks Fuck About It
It was not an afternoon. You smoked a few joints and you jumped. Right straight into a lot of lives. I get sex. The only thing left to write about is sex and death. The furies. The Furies and the Changelings are the ones who usually survive whatever is thrown…
Dirt Bike Town
Wherein he sells alms for oblivion.
This Is Over Pixalated 4 A Reason
Race and Desire
I love people who dance just because.
No one told them they could not do it.
Race and desire. It kinda takes some of the hurt part out of it, the part where Race and Desire get along. Sex is, too, a politikal le act.
A politikal…