Tim Barrus Blog
Video: Authenticity
Authenticity can be gritty, too. We reinforce children to be authentic. Unless they’re poor. Then, they just make us uncomfortable.
Vid: People Ask Me Y I Do This
Why Do I Do This.
I am sick and tired of this question. If you cannot answer that question for yourself, you will never get it, and it hardly matters what I articulate. If you cannot answer that question for yourself, you don’t want to get it.
It comes down…
After the Main Event
A Stupid Video By Justin
Video: Contempt Can Be Attenuated
Contempt can be a subtle thing. Until it’s not.
Smash Street’s Weekend Talking Group has been dealing with the subject of contempt, and how it ranges from subtle messaging to outright hatred.
And the stuff that is in-between.
The boys has used the metaphor of spitting to symbolize what they…
Tim Barrus: AIDS Will Come Roaring Back
Trump plans to take away your HIV drugs.
My critics (and there are many) will jump up and down slobbering and drooling at the mouth that I am an alarmist.
I am only an insignificant person who sees the future because I have seen the past.
I have talked the…
Tim Barrus: New York Times: No Immunity
It is becoming far, far more complicated to keep the immune-compromised individual alive.
C. auris is beyond scary.
But the CDC will save us. Right.
I have always said that turning farming into a corporate paradigm would kill us because the profit motive would alter what we consider to be…
Things That Glow in the Dark
Once you have seen this stoner vid, you have seen it all. All. All. All.
The UN Rights of the Child R Ignored in the US
I hear You. But I do not possess the power to make it better. You are still considered a child, and as such, you are property. You will be touched by the medical community, and you will be stripped naked. That is how it is. That it makes you suicidal…
Tim Barrus: New York Times
David Brooks’ recent piece on poverty piece is hopeful. Easy for him to say. There is no hope for it.
Let us go to the fundamental souls of Americans.
Let us not dwell on why we are who we are. We simply are.
Americans are mean and mean-spirited. They like…