Tim Barrus Blog

  1. Moving Through the Fog Like Thieves

    I drive through the fog on my big black bike. It’s a lot like sex at all the straining angles. Cutting through the Blue Ridge fog, we become less and less. Glowing in the dark around a bend. Leaning into the shadows of the moon. We slept like cards in…

  2. My Childhood Home Was Always Filled With Guns

    I thought he would kill me. He threw me through walls. He broke every bone I had. But I was more resilient than he was. I was tougher than he was. I was twice the man he was. Even as a ten-year-old. I refused to give him the respect he…


    je suis tombé dedans sans bruit/ pas même le vent/ c’était tellement instantané/ c’était comme si on me cherchait dehors/ je ne le recherchais pas/ une autre personne me suffisait toujours/ plus qu’assez/ beaucoup plus qu’assez/ c’était ma curiosité d’être dans un trio qui était une violation de plus de

  4. Mon Incapacité à se Propager

    je boirais du vin rouge de ton trou comme du sang vous avez été cassé ciel et colline votre enfance de la bouche et tout le monde chante à leur horreur ils sont tous seuls ils sont tout seul

  5. What U R Putting On

    It’s not about your socks. It’s not about your sacred hoodie. It’s not about your underpants. It’s not about your shoes or your cock. It’s about your second selves. The ones that are whispering in your year that the sex work you are doing is killing you. That is not…

  6. Chichén Itzá

    only the earth endures/ bearing upon its awful breast a world that has no ghosts to haunt it/ whipped in the desert/ half broken and overthrown, the lost temples strewn in ruined images, no heads, nothing has been done in stone/ even your family is glad you are dead/ less

  7. Voyages en Famille

  8. Arson

  9. Blood and Money

    you were always leaving not in an angry tone but in no tone at all and then you’d be back and crawling into bed most of my kind were awkward in our peasant hostility you were with the boys with money it all came so easily for you knowing as


    As I interview these kids, there is an undercurrent of arrogance – it is the arrogance of truth speaking to power – and it says you put me here and here I am so don’t you dare whip me with your morality because I know for a fact you have