Tim Barrus Blog
foot in tub
Tim Barrus Art
Who Put This Camera on the Ground, Please
Dirt Bike Town
Timothee Barrus Photography
The Unreality of Time
Fire and Dust
I am a communist. We are a patchwork of heritage you would be confused of having lived your entire life as a slave. Okay, let us revisit this history of religion. As it existed in the mirror of backwards how much backward can one go, Prayer. Mutiny. War. The Soldiership.…
He Wears His Socks To Bed As Well
Put All Heaven In a Burning Rage
By then, all back on the Same Train. I had seen this train and I knew all the conductors, too. You back again. It’s me, Miss Balance Finding Life in each lung tissue rain of spit and juices he blew up. Is this the same guy who walked in a…