Tim Barrus Blog
Le Travail Sexuel est un Acte Politique
Annonce de vente sexualisée image de la pute comme petite baise nette mais il est magnifique. -
Men On Men: Tim Barrus: NY Times
I don’t get sports. Never have. Never will. What is it that my masculinity hinges on a stupid game like golf. You follow a little ball around and you hit it. In high school, I was sexually abused in a locker room. I did not go back to that horrid… -
he will not appear to be obviously at-risk 2u
but he appears to be at HIGH-RISK 2me i am tired of seeing it i said rock i am tired of no one else wants to look at it oh Ucare oh Ucare Oh Ucare LOOK at it LOOK at it it is not that subtle signs red flags timers…
Assisted Suicide Should Be a Federal Holiday Like Christmas
assisted suicide could go a long way toward ending medical abuse the abuse we endure letting them inside us after they abuse us they have to kill us you know it’s what they want you can smell it like the water from the lake drips from the towels hung on… -
A Vulnerability
As If Suspended From Above
knowing you, loving you was to suspend all belief in apprehension you could tame the rest of me in the hanging of you above the bed whispering of slow ruin in the wandering your books of yet another star undone that used to hang there in the southern sky before… -
Roads of Salt
his ass had traveled & had disappeared many times only to show up again at the carnival of sea walls and quaintly labeled jars containing his voices & his fluids having torn himself open with tongues at the edges of the ponds -
Theatre of a Thousand Songs
you against the drag of others I saw your barefoot prints in the shadows of the snow everything from you spills your passions being communicated are impressive with their immediacy but I have no fucking idea what you are talking about you have sworn me to secrecy as if words… -
Tim Barrus in the New York Times: Appalachia
Appalachia. The nearest doctor who will treat us is a hundred miles away. Everyone I know is sick with something. Because we get such little and inferior medical care. The power company has released so much vile poison into the river, all the fish that we used to rely on…
U Got 2 Have Something 2 Get Up In The Morning 4