Tim Barrus Blog
Tim Barrus: Why Do Cops All Have the Same Ass
How big is it.
Her ass is so big, you could fit a three car garage in there.
Tim Barrus, New York Times
I live at the top of a mountain in the Blue Ridge. I ride a dirt bike. Street bikers think I’m nuts. But who needs a helmet anyway. I am thinking America in my hair. When I ride into a city, someone tries to steal my bike. I have caught…
Tim Barrus: There Be Shadows in The Scratchings on the Rocks
To which is fixed. Midnight on a spit. Slanderous tongues and savages.
Tim Barrus, New York Times
They have nukes. Let us pretend only half of their murderous machine works. Let us pretend only half of our weapons work. The world is destroyed anyway because Real Politik interventions like a peace table and none of them are round.Homo sapiens destroy everything in their path. What keeps them…
Tim Barrus: Torn Jeans
And the quiet and thin air torn not unlike rags are torn from sober certainty under the ribs of death, torn, from curses and demons, torn from the memory of ancient tongues and storied weariness just below what will become (you have seen this) dissolved in forfeit of who should…
Tim Barrus: Mary Who
For whatever reasons, the four-year-olds were probably in charge. I think they ran that place. They’re lawyers. All of them. Lawyers.
Tim Barrus, New York Times
I exist. You do not exist because you have no particular importance. I exist. I am a persom. You are a Homo sapien. One of many. Garden variety humanism. An ordinary communist. I ghost people every day. I get ghosted every day. Ghosts are the last men standing, they have…
Tim Barrus, New York Times
You don’t get to have just one.
Tim Barrus, New York Times
We dance a fancy dance all around the issue of deep poverty. Because deep poverty is doing its bloody dance all around us. These constants – deep poverty, abortion – beg an irony that has babies no one wants. No one supports kids in crisis anymore because there is no…
Tim Barrus, New York Times
I can only speak for myself. The idea that we are required to spend our lives in adulation for a court well-versed in economic ideaology. Pack the court. Make it bigger. There is no law that says the court must be composed by lawyers. And while you’re at it, give…