Tim Barrus Blog

  1. posted to the wall

    New York Times https://www.nytimes.com/2018/06/13/reader-center/mental-health-therapists-suicide.html?comments#permid=27457130I work with at-risk boys living with HIV. At-risk for what.Prison…Homelessness. School failure. Depression, and the fragments they have become after enduring years of sexual abuse.Then, sex work. Conflicted. Irony.Then, addiction.And this is Appalachia where people OD by the dozens. In terms of categories where you can…

  2. U Slept On the Ground Back Then

    i have lived in shit holes my whole fucking life/ULiterallyDoNotWant2KnowAllOfThisAmongTheBadPeopleTheyKnowWhoThey R2/ the dust on our eyelids that remainNotWords, NotDiamondsNotPotatoesTheLastOfAllTheRomans/ StillLiveinShitHolesArmedWithSwordsInBattleWhereTheFloorCouldCaveInAtAnyMoment/ WhatMoreDoUWantFromMe/ 

  3. summerdusted

  4. back of the bike

  5. U in Cabo

  6. bisexuality

    When Your Past Says Wait A Minute

  7. the conflicted

  8. slips the light in fantastic slants like life’s a dance/of chance

  9. There Were Rocks And Things

  10. 4all the degenerates i have known