Tim Barrus Blog
a moment of memory
lost in that place again and it’s sleet bleeding through that window of battering, embrace of the dandelion, snap 2///
all, all/ my books/// have been burned here and there, ripped to shreds, blacklisted, by people on my front porch armed with forks and spoons/ editors get off on sticking it up my ass, well how am i to keep you down/ play it the way feel it/ i get…
Kross Kreek
Kross Kreek
Swimming in the Snow
Swimming in the Snow. – tim barrus
Tim Barrus: Incendiary Comments NYT
Been there. One drove a cab. One was a maid in a hotel who never went to work because we were more fun to hang out with. The All Too Usual Question is inevitably What If Someone Gets Jealous. Someone will get jealous. I’m thinking the nuances here all have…
Entropy is Cages
A Cage Does Not Pull Its Weight – tim barrus
Then Stands
hiding and laughing/ under the bed/ what are you, nine/ i would be nine, but i do not know how/ today, we are both under the bed/ telling stories of ourselves/ that time we danced with divine/ in speedos/ don’t give me that american flag one/ we keep falling over…
What Does Autistic Mean
We know what autistic means. Usually, we have to pretend to be like you. Or you will kill us. We get it. We so get it.
There are six squirrels who live inside. Fred. Wilma. Barney. Betty. Bambam. And Suzanne Pleshette. Fortunately, there are a lot of oak trees and acorns that go up the hill. There is a hole in the back of New China Gardens where they come and go. Two are albino squirrels.…
The Great American Novel
Poetic Justice: The Great American Novel has been surpassed by the Great Irish Novel. The Great Irish Novel is more focused and more tied to the idea of reality – one in which great waiting with patience occurs. The Great American Novel is no longer great. It’s worth is a…