Tim Barrus Blog
Dirt Bike Town
There are pauper graves here, you just can’t much see them. A couple of chicken scratched brown sand donkey plots, almost red, but put away, and no one comes here, that will be seeded soon. The War Between the States, the Civil War to you, just goes…
juvenile facilities
Rape was not a fun drug.
It was dust it was death it was Delilah. Oh, no, Mister Tim. Not Delilah. The One And Only. Pussy for days this is how men talk. I stare directly at their dick.
Women tell me, I don’t get it. I was 12. I…
my ribs break easily so be nice
Lonely As If Kept Enchanted
To Prey Upon. The Something Next. Everytime you open up your hole. Prey Tell. The leaden sky left no room for sun, no room to pretend you lived here, or pretend you lived anywhere. They only murdered Homo sapiens I didn’t like. Someone was following us. I could see it…
What you Came To See
“So, then what is democracy, anyway.”
I have no idea. I have never lived in one. I’m fucking stupid. Our version of Democracy is robbing the rich to pay the rich so the rich can in return claim Capital Gains administrated by lawyers – invested in the patriatchal Hierarchy of…
Nine Boxes
Waffle House
seas in seas
Sometimes life it takes you by the hairPulls you downBefore you know it, it’s gone and you’re dead againI’ve been in places and I won’t pretendYeah I’d make it out just to fall on my headWake up strange and take the walk downstairsHit the pawn up on the corner and…