Tim Barrus Blog
This Is What Anxiety Looks Like On Its Way To Outer Space
this is what anxiety looks like on its way to outer space/ it bounces off and then consumes the room/ any room/ you could rip your heart out, and then leap into the snow/ even your bones are clenched/ your butt hole went metallic years ago/ the pacing has worn…
but you have no wings…
you have always had this breathtaking ability to jump right over all the stuff that bores you as you have always called it the bullshit of life/ you do not go around anything old or tired or useless/ you go over it as if flight might be an option but…
Tim Barrus in the New York Times: Voyeurism
Voyeurism Does Not Mean Exhibitionism
My students have HIV. Being tracked to an HIV clinic – repeatedly – draws inferences that are damaging in terms of enormous stigma. People infected are easily tracked by a government eager to know everything. Including who their friends are and where those friends live.…
The Crows of Candybar Town
the crows from around here are all from candybar town/ they never sweep the floor or make their beds on the front porch/ the crows sing songs from the seychelles in french/ their lives on the ground in crumbs runs outward, sideways, then up to the tops of trees/ they…
There Are Things Under Rocks, And Our Backs Are Broken
We now live in a small town in the Blue Ridge mountains. As with most of Appalachia, people live in hollows. A hollow is like a hidden furrow on the planet. It would be possible to live in a hollow and never come out.
It’s that isolated. There are things…
And I am Here to Tell You
today, sunspots appeared when you go whizzing by tender in the
shadows/ the horror of your existence will not die in a legion
of soldierships where the seal you have tightened up so you might
live between what souls have seen as their assignment beginning
with how you died at…
We Had to Stop…
When They Take The Food Right Out Of Your Mouth…
Contrary to what you might be hearing from the white, privileged, upper-middle-class activists, AIDS is not over. No quite yet.
toward whose delirious repose
you in your distance
toward whose delirious
repose suggesting
structures of scars
i have seem them all
i have touched them all
i have followed them
with my lizard’s tongue
i want to thank you
for teaching me a
huge, huge fucking
lesson/ never
get arrested/
But For This