Tim Barrus Blog

  1. His Face Is Naked

    Tim Barrus: New York Times I live in Appalachia. If Trump doesn’t wear a mask, my neighbors do not have to wear a mask. “No One Can Make Us.” There is no disease expert to advise us on ignorance. There is no disease expert to advice us on fear. There

  2. Tim Barrus: New York Times: Opinion

    When my four-year-old gets mad, he wets his pants. He thinks that if he has a temper tantrum about having to wear shoes, I’ll forget about him eating all the toothpaste in the house. A four-year-old lives in a world of his own, and from time to time, the outside

  3. i washed him/

    i washed him with the blue washcloth/ i washed his teeth, inside his mouth, his lips, and down his neck/ i washed his balls, his hole, his cock, i have wandered in the woods of him/ coming home late in the winter with his cum still in my mouth/ i

  4. after the first frost, you have to leave/

    there are no glass windows, only screens/ i have seen it in the winter when you have to take a broom and push the snow drifts out/ you want to leave before the first frost arrives with it fox cub bite/ access is by canoe or kayak/ only a few…

  5. Against the Bitter Season

    you stand alone juxtaposed against infinity as you titty suck the married men off splitting you torn apart in parking lots back seats old dirt roads the clawing ditches corners shadows dust and salt and motels drained and dry as rats for food and staring at the wall/ but you…

  6. Tim Barrus: New York Times

    How it is that time after time capitalism totally fails us. We become desperate to find ways to prop it up. We fix the car with binder twine. We fall upon our swords of theory. We reinforce conformity and never structure. We tweak it here and there. We shower a

  7. Tim Barrus: Tied Tight In Your Skin

    we cum here with our work/ we call it the hot seat because that is where the poets among us, which means everyone, arrive to sit and read their work/ and it is work, often, it is a lot of work, we see poets in the context of a naked

  8. Tim Barrus: The New York Times

    The monkey cannot beat the jones. Sometimes, photography says it all. Sometimes, photography is straightforwardly in your face. Safron Foer’s piece, and the photograph that accompanies it, hits hard at Americans who struggle with addiction, and the Americans who do not struggle with addiction. To meat. No one wants to

  9. Suicide and Starvation Is the Future

    Like a lot of failed writers, I also wrote a book that predicted the future. I was ridiculed as an alarmist. Everything I wrote about has come true. There will be no tomorrow. No horizon. No hope. That book’s name was “Genocide.” Laugh. Ban me. I don’t do science fiction.

  10. Billy Joe’s Bridge

    this is the bridge billie joe maccallister jumped from/ it is entirely legal to smoke dope under this sacred bridge/ or so people i know claim/ they could be wrong/ they are wrong a lot/ they are not lawyers/ beware of following their legal advice/ do i appear to be