Tim Barrus Blog
i will tell you not to listen
i so hear your anger i have my own & i will tell U not 2 listen 2 the dogooders who will tell U they can save you if you just regurgitate all the bloody shit of it on them they R only focusing on you for their own needs/…
Divergent Outcomes
yielding widely diverging outcomes
flapping wings and randomness
analytical techniques doubling the
forecast time proportional uncertainty
so much external noise not unlike
the supersymmetry or trajectory
of being inside him repeating a
history of the intuition of periodic
orbits scattered infinite-dimensionally
points of large arrays whose resonance
in fluid motion…
behind U
After Wandering
after wandering
some through
America, land
of the umbilical
alone, you begin
to see fungal family
graveyards infected
in a different light
people just
staring at the
rain in a parking
lot cuz they
were in it
What Gets Televised
i work with adolescents who
bitch a lot (they would like
to burn the planet down)
they’re always complaining
about how insufferable
mainstream media is it’s
all about content that sucks
then, make the kind of content
you want to see/ write the kind
of books you want…
Mainly The Lot of Us Are Puppets
no one
pulls our
you are
so manipulated
your spcks
pretending no one and nothingcan pull your puppet stringsyou, stumbling on bridges, you a moving target look at whathappened to us, the skygrew dark the skygrew light, the sky despite our farburning flame of delusionaldream palaces free of strings
The Outer Banks in Fall
the ponies play this
stare you down game
you will never ride us
you will never ride us
i will never ride you
i will never ride you
even the sun is balls cold
ponies storming the
golf courses and condominiums
tainted, taut, they have
stolen february when they
on our broken aching backs
mesmerized and looking up
at the whiskey stars in the
metal hard bed of your ancient
truck the fucktruck drinking
jack and smoking a torrent of
that white trash weed the
stars a hundred feet away/ your
ass smells like the feed store/
a sweaty…
Watch His Eyes At The End
watch his eyes at the end
if you are one of my friends
and i ask you if i might film
you i would advise you to
say no it’s easier that way and
darkness starts inside of things
like will i be good enough
and you get it that…