Tim Barrus Blog

  1. Mainly The Lot of Us Are Puppets

    pretending no one pulls our fucking strings we cannot be manipulated baby, you are so manipulated your spcks glow

  2. SomeNightsSlipping

    pretending no one and nothingcan pull your puppet stringsyou, stumbling on bridges, you a moving target look at whathappened to us, the skygrew dark the skygrew light, the sky despite our farburning flame of delusionaldream palaces free of strings

  3. The Outer Banks in Fall

    the ponies play this stare you down game you will never ride us you will never ride us i will never ride you i will never ride you even the sun is balls cold ponies storming the golf courses and condominiums tainted, taut, they have stolen february when they will

  4. TruckFuck

    on our broken aching backs mesmerized and looking up at the whiskey stars in the metal hard bed of your ancient truck the fucktruck drinking  jack and smoking a torrent of that white trash weed the stars a hundred feet away/ your ass smells like the feed store/ a sweaty

  5. Watch His Eyes At The End

    watch his eyes at the end if you are one of my friends and i ask you if i might film you i would advise you to say no it’s easier that way and darkness starts inside of things like will i be good enough and you get it that

  6. the bullies who live in toilets

    we speak to bullying and abuse on playgrounds, on sidewalks, on the bus, but we do not speak to bullying and abuse that occurs in toilets because we are ashamed/ teachers are afraid and bullying is rampant even if the media has refocused on different parts of the news cycle,

  7. Open Letter to Patricia Cohen, Economist, New York Times

    Your analysis of economic survival is just plain wrong. I am writing this from a hospital bed. This bed is a black hole of ruin. American economics is not unlike genocide. It kills with a particular focus. The inevitable confrontation found in the structures of self-created inequality invented by the

  8. the lone and narrowing

    the lone and narrowing but now your left breast down to fatal wreckage behind the blur of cancer’s tomb you were at risk because the other one hiv has disowned diseased outcomes deep-buried and banished to the marrow’s snow whose frigid hands grab us all seeing as the sun has

  9. A Psychopath is a Psychopath is a Psychopath

    Rising heat is the enemy. But can we afford the time it will take to rid ourselves of the lack of values that blockades the Paris Agreement. Whenever I use the word, psychopath, the New York Times nervously runs, retreating behind the word civility. They will refuse to publish this.

  10. feeding the lion

    it’s like feeding the lion the ferocity of bone/ there are no other beds for him to sleep in/ his brother’s cock is a hardening of the weight he carries in the gravitas of the secret whips he knows he cannot speak to or for or of/ thin-framed and the