Tim Barrus Blog

  1. Bikes At Night With No Light

    i’ve done it naked, too at the end of the bad days the days you were nice all day nice nice nice to all the wrong fucking people that i find beneath contempt but i am nice to them while i grit my teeth to tooth dust just fuck me…

  2. Winter’s Grip

    it was SoLongAgoItWasYesterday it was crawling under your blankets to be with U2 smell the death sweat FangedLikeASnake whispering some bewildered we were all bewildered whispers of indifferent affectation whispering that 1day in WintersGripWas all we really ever had/

  3. The Sex Police Are Watching

    When I do sex work training workshops, it’s imperative that I cover the explosive issues of sadomasochism. The New York Times is reporting that both Google and Facebook are recording what videos you watch on the Internet. Apparently, you are not able to opt out of the data collection because


    He sells his shit hole to not starve to death. It’s called survival. Not that long ago, he was born to someone. No one knows who. He has no papers. He’s undocumented. I have a hard time thinking he is illegal. He’s definitely legally here. In fact, I would guess,…

  5. GoBack2FuckingHellIAmAlreadyThere

    Stick it in my mouth and cum. Then, pay me. My next door neighbor’s house lets winter seep into it like the grey February rain drains through the roof. Go back to where you came from. Hate itself is telling us about hatred in Trump’s America. I hate America. I

  6. the pills are here

    he keeps falling over his mouth of birthdays a carnage of scars sailing skies the pills are here the pills are here

  7. Aurelien Was a Whore

    That word again. Aurelien was a veteran of the whore wars. He wanted to be a sex work activist. He wanted us to decriminalize what he did, what I did, what everyone we knew, everyone we lived with, everyone in our drug-saturated bubble did. Sex work was and is mainly


    I was twelve. He was a teacher. My parents had explained to me that they could no longer afford me. They had no money. I was on my own. I was terrified. All I had to do was be naked, and then it got a little bit more complicated. He…

  9. who cares

  10. Tim Barrus On Being Touched: New York Times

    Long before latin became a language, the politics of rape did not mean the translation we think we understand when someone says rape or writes it. Raped meant kidnapped because the Sabines were raped and kidnapped. There was no word for rape in the same way that today we still