Tim Barrus Blog
Tim Barrus: Please stop thinking. Something will break.
Something did break. I just know it.
TIM BARRUS: I Told You, This Would Be Better Than Baseball
Okay, so what are my options.
– Move back to Cuba. How hot is it in Cuba. Hot.
– Move back to Ixtlan.
– Move back to the land of mushrooms.
– Move back to Stopping the World.
– Pick One.
Tim Barrus: The Speed of Light is Not That Fast
The Photon
The human eye takes in rather little relative data as to what is going on. Our eyes are squeezed to only be used as a constraint. We are able to reach out and can see infinity is there is one. It depends on the number of photons, the…
Tim Barrus, New York Times
I cannot remember a single time when Ross has articulated another take on the BugaBuga that is religion, the same religion that wants converts to the cult of Niceness. None of us is sacred, Ross. Some of us will not go down in our beliefs that entire economic systems complicit…
Tim Barrus: Shut Up And Look At the Camera
This strange light stitches space and time into the same fabric.
Tim Barrus: It All Went Dark Again
When the black nimbus so heavy with cloudwaters clear, the clouds become events themselves. Equally well in reverse.
Tim Barrus, New York Times
There is usually an adult somewhere out there who could reach a kid. This would be men. But men want to hurt you. Women are from another planet. No one will help you. They only want you to bleed.
Tim Barrus, New York Times
The poor today will be the poor tomorrow and slavery – hope is ephemeral and is called a job given out with cold regard to the Homo sapiens on the exhausted planet. Let’s dig some coal. And dig and dig and dig our way to splendid riches. I mean, what…
Tim Barrus: It Went Something Just Like This
Mad hatters just like this.
Tim Barrus: What’s That Sound
The one who was staring at you wears a chain of dog’s teeth.