Tim Barrus Blog
Sitting in the Car Alone
I see shadows. And they move. Time itself is a choreography. I still cannot believe he’s gone. I only get kicked like this if there’s rain. I have no idea why. I had to break the door down. He was so glad to see me. I realized, he was probably…
tim barrus
Oscar Has No Clothes
I so do not care about clothes or fashion. I only wear clothes when I take the dog out. I wear farmer jeans and Tshirts. I do not care about film. I am a dinosaur from Appalachia. In 1934, I stopped watching anything produced by Hollywood. The last TV show…
What Are We Sure Of
The end of democracy. The end of class and caste. A chicken for every pot. If we could all just work together. For togetherness. The end of patriarchy. The end of the hierarchal pyramid that protects the American paradigm that does not work. All of the cultural institutions like education,…
How 2 Beat Authority
I attended a violent high school. Teachers were overwhelmed. One broke my bones and made me walk to a hospital on a broken leg. Death threats every single day. Humiliation every single day. Degradation every single day. Enforced nudity every single day. Our problems had nothing to do with pushups.…
Dirt Bike Town
Diaspora never happens in a vacuum.
I Had Died an Hour Before
There is nothing serious about mortality.
Literary Critics
We sell writers. Often, down the river. One book critic for NYT who reviewed one of my books (it was a rave) attempted to pour gasoline – what else – on my personal life. His students physically followed me around for years. We might not be the characters we create.…
Comment Moderation is Uncivil
Censorship as an apex predator. The ideation of ideas. We are only allowed to think if exposed to an official archive. Google’s search engine and all those little boxes popping up to pull you into the rabbit hole. The New York Times is not social media. The New York Times…
Jeep Sex
Dirt Bike Town and the Ha Ha