It Is The 6th Dimension That Controls Time

The fifth dimension is time itself. Yet the sixth dimension controls time, and it’s where time can be bent at the touch points, but it can only go forward because timelines are a list of options. There’s the one you took. That list would be the size of a black hole, and time would collapse upon itself, in theory, constructing a new universe. This conclusion is hotly debated. Many physicists maintain that this scenario taking place has mathematics unknown to us, but considered as possible. At the moment, you are reading this, all the possibilities are presenting themselves in blips and waves. We do not know why. But we have seen it, and some scientists are articulating that perhaps it’s dark matter that is holding the glue of the thing together. Physicists are challenging string theory. Our concept of time (4th dimension), and the sixth dimension’s concept of time are not the same. This is interjecting complexity into an almost biological series of perceptions that time can be controlled. Rather measured. And lived. We could be time. Only inhabited. But as what. Dinosaurs perhaps. Fish. Bugs as if. Hollywood has not been here before because it has. It owned the parking lot. I had lunch on a set once.

Most Homo sapiens are dicks. There is no such thing as the golden days. Or Christmas. How do you know your birthday because there is no such thing as time. Seasons where there is no such thing when hot refers to too hot to sit on. We know hydrogen will be part of the picture. I would not venture oxygen. Too rare in the cosmic umbrella. Right from the driver’s seat of the sixth dimension. Our two dimensional brains cannot even imagine it.  Stand on your head. They did that, too. They cannot see it. They have no idea of what controlling time means. Because they are time. If you put one molecule of antimatter in that ridiculous soup, everything turns to plasma.

It’s an ancient idea. Prepare for plasma and a lot of it. This is how it did begin. With plasma. Nature does repeat itself all the time, and this could be the timeline where there is the inevitable loss of gravity and all the atoms of the universe will be stripped of elements. Like mist. I am not at all interested in going to Mars. What would I do on Mars.

King Dickhead from Dickville is at the gates. Even if these calculations are wrong, high possibility of it, the reality would be a genetic revision of who survives what and begs at the Gates of Beautiful, to be born. Survival was the operant idea day one. Turn it around. It is still the operant idea – in our collective brains – which will always be made by first grade boys. Choosing between dogs and timelines would be dividing up in separated units like fish eggs – we are already traveling at this very second with the universe expansion bubble the double and the rubble, I am devoid of tunnel which only works when we project propulsion past the speed of light. That cannot happen.

It’s called a wormhole.

The jury is not out on wormholes. I get how. But why. There is a downside. They collapse. In fact, they collapse easily. All the time. Attila the Hun is waiting in the shadows of the wings. This cannot be happening. 

It is happening. Get real, Bubba. The speed of light is a measurement and there are a few neutrinos in there. What if they could be funneled. I blew up a school’s chemistry lab once. They hated me. Whatever happened to biological weapons research. Down just another path, kinda looking at the stories from another angle, the stories could be in a molecular absorb process we will never understand from word three. Not unlike They Will Suck Us Dry. I am visually interested in how a neutrino passes through the mass of this from form to formless. No one has done the math, and I cannot imagine this as having been ignored.

But it seems it has been, nevertheless, I would argue that we cannot measure the neutrino passing through until it was passing through (with a lot of information) but the vessel is a problem.

The neutrino has almost no mass. There is some mass. Even theoretically, some mass could be enough mass. What if that small mass has one neutrino interacting as an anti-neutrino, the result would be similar to a black hole eating an entire solar system. Power from electrons could be culled and reinstituted kinda like an app. Not a zero sum game of cosmic chicken or cosmic egg. One more dash of dark matter, and here’s a big one, stir vigorously. Buy one of those bomb patrol guy things they wear on disarming atomic bombs that did not explode but are leaking all the way to Ireland. The Brits want it back. Ireland or the bomb. The bomb.

Post One Big Bang that blew the lid off the pressure cooker, and dinner is on the wall. Empower the neutrino with dual powerhouses. Pop it in or out. Fly one above North korea. Great surfing waves but they never last all that long but they pop alot. We live in interesting times, but they are only interesting to us. To the structures we have built from what this timeline has to offer. Move to another one. It’s tilting. It’s not. We are all tilting but no one knows what it means to join the pig hunt tonight with our sticks. 

Endless structures in mixing it up with particles. You could weaponize neutrinos as they were now interacting with your bloodstream where they are begging to bubble out as Where Movement is What.

Probably controlled by gravity and dark matter. So what is the propellent. It will probably be found (Fermilab I hope) in the electrical charge created by the hydrogen passing through, not the controller, but to the thing itself where I would bet the ranch that this is the place where time is determined by the the sum of older, dying stars, which brings us back to gravity as defined by a black hole where the size equivalent the size of a grain of sand stands next to Jupiter even if the range of the thing  is short by cosmic standards, but not so short it is unable to accommodate measurable data unless AI unravels those secrets by time for tea.


String theorists are kinda hopeful. The rest of us are wondering about stuff like what happens when all of this unfolds and unmasked as rubbish, we will go as each universe crashes into this pornography of a universe twisted as a barrel of fishhooks. – tim barrus