Tim Barrus Blog
Tim Barrus, New York Times
Entire packs of wolves behave exactly like humans posing for position. It’s fundamentally all about power, but women have to work harder at it, and for less. Don’t ask me to paint any kind of picture as to who and what Homo sapiens means. The jury remains in session until…
Tim Barrus, New York Times
Dogs are not usually on the front page of the New York Times. When they are, it’s an event.
Tim Barrus: NYT says we will show you what reality is. And then they launch into TELLING us what reality is, and how does this work.
I’m not sure if I trust someone who is writing for the New York Times and is lecturing to me about the really, really real nature of reality. It’s Identity Politiks. Reality is lipstick on a pig. I love pigs. They fight back. When you go to kill them and…
Tim Barrus: Sometimes I Go Back to Places I Have Lived
I see the places I have lived quite differently from when I was living there.
Tim Barrus, New York Times
Running for your lives will not be enough. In fact, it’s a bit pathetic.
Tim Barrus, New York Times
Your truth and my truth are not the same.
Tim Barrus: Post-Industrial, Post-Trip Back To The Sixties
The stairs lead down to an ICBM missile silo. It gets very dark down there and I find it a place of ghosts. But I am exploiting it as location for parts of Dirt Bike Town.
Tim Barrus: The Blocking of Retro-Imagination
The sky itself was inoculated against the cold. Some hotel chef will cut a swan from the blood ice of the bird itself. Either way, ice was your tongue in me and melts swollen like the light drinks the attic swallows in the abandoned barn where learning how to breathe…
Tim Barrus, New York Times
The old rules are not the old rules. There is always something older than the rules. The laws of physics demand it. Why are we looking at the electron differently. Is it a wave or is it a ping pong. Are there zillions and zillions of electrons in the universe…
Tim Barrus Art
The primal hordes. Which one of them waits to be revealed. It would definitely not be the child.