Tim Barrus Blog
What I Want
i am painfully aware of the reality that you are giving me what you think it is that i want when i have no fucking idea what i am supposed to want want want so you end up wearing some kind of disguise or mask around me the perfect student… -
Never Fall In Love. Period.
The Bed Last Night
none of my lovers has ever been what you could call the timid type more like unruly dogs who do not forgive each one smells differently i smell their smells in the bed i sleep among them in not unlike the weather fadeaushka smelled of russian vodka and his butt…
answering letters
i will drown in answering all these letters just the ones written at midnight when the paradox of light slinks in like amber weeping at summer’s end when my rooms of dogs and rowdy children dropped off here by the humane society between the lines i must remember to burn…
That Time He Carried Me by Lamonte
Lamonte has lived all of his twelve years in Appalachia. He has never been outside of these mountains. In class, his assignment has been to write about his life. We corrected some of the spelling and construction together. I enjoy working with Lamonte because he is so eager to learn.… -
Survival is Vile Shit
I wonder if any of you have ever noticed that it is sometimes those who find most pleasure and amusement in their fellow man, and have most hope in his goodness, who get the reputation of being his most carping critics. Maybe it is that the satirist is so full…
For the Boys by Hunter Layfield
Guyz you are forcing me to turn to the blog. As you know Tim and I are in another city in another state. Tim is having surgery and I am waiting in this waiting room. I will never be able to forgive Mary for creating all this turmoil at this…
год еды дерьма
твоя дыра всегда закрыт 2 мир 2 меня я был вынужден 2 открой его с моим языком 2 выпить тебя глубоко 2 жевать наследие экскременты кто то хныкал
When We Sleep Where Do We Go
If I was ur boyfriend… -
On Being Here
i have never wanted to be here because i am above it all all all all daddy tried beating it the fuck out of me and i was literally at-risk of being murdered. he bashed my head through walls and came after me with broken liquor bottles but i could…