Tim Barrus Blog
Tim Barrus, New York Times
Today, HIV gets a tiny mention in the New York Times. In an article about sexually transmitted diseases. One word at the end of the piece. This, too, marginalizes. We are ashamed. We hang our heads. We did it to ourselves. Normals refuse to see HIV as a sexually transmitted…
NYT Book Podcast
The NYT book podcast is a bit too pleased with itself. I do hope that dialogues among writers and editors continues. But no more congratulations to one another. Publishing itself is about looking back. Publishing looks forward, too. What it finds difficult to sell is immediacy. There are 100 people…
Put Your Foot In My Mouth
“But why. I want to suck your toes.”
“Never you mind, my toes. It’s sex.”
“It is not sex, Timothee. It’s sucking a toe. Not a cock. I just wanna suck your feet.”
“No. I said no and I mean no. No is no. Don’t even go there. No…
Tim Barrus, New York Times
Rage is Often All We Are Left With
Rage is often all we are left with in the face of culture’s demand that civility prevail in a place where anger is bad, angry people are bad, and no one knows what to do to rectify anything. New York Times’ gatekeepers…
Pick a Product
Entire wars. Really, who would trust a CEO. Really, who would trust a politician. Really, who would trust – I don’t know – men. “How now, you secret, black, and midnight hags! What is’t you do?” We are simply hunter-gatherers called Republicans. Damned if you do. Damned if you don’t.…
Tim Barrus, New York Times
The New York Times Says We Need More Cildren Or The Future Will Be A Nightmare
The future is already a nightmare. Children. It’s biology that says This Is Good. But climate change puts pressure on things like water systems. It will be too hot for water to properly cool,…
We Will Fight Back
Mainstream America assumes intimidation with deer rifles at electoral locations is accomplished by right wing radicals.
Fat old white men with guns. These guys are not radical. They cling to righteous notions that their world is democracy. It’s actually facism they love.
We are the left wing radicals, and I…
Tim Barrus, New York Times
holy water/
Religion is hypocrisy. Why does someone else need to be concerned by what I believe. It’s like this fervent power has seized them, and they must go forth and make everyone believe what they believe. Why. Religion has always been dangerous. War after war after war. People have…
fellow travelers
A Tour Through a Pandemic On a Bike. Protest to Protest. City to City. Riot to Riot. America Is a Culture in Crisis. I have no idea if this is fiction or nonfiction. I have RAVNHPB4. One Of The Symptoms Is Neurological Hemorrhagic Dementia. Internal Bleeding Of The Brain. I…
Maps Are Us
I Could Read Him Like a Map
We all have one. A map into our ideology. A Map into the easement of a nonpossessory piece of property that one man holds, and another man holds, but not really. A rag-eaten shawl as map of skies and skies. Moths and graveyards.…