Tim Barrus Blog
The Black Rainbow You Have Painted
even the sex with you is always dark and to break it with a lack of hope my cock in your mouth and the antidote oblivious of any infinite book of secrets/ your tongue slipping into my urethra, and no i will not piss in your mouth because i am…
We do a lot of outdoor stuff. In the middle of this, Luca takes off. Runs back to the Jeep. The mountains where we live can seem just too big. In fact, most things can seem to be too big. He hides. But he can be pulled out. Slowly.
sometimes the past
I work with kids whose different pasts have the effect of trying to swallow them whole on a moment to moment basis. The past is not always our “little friend.” Nor is it necessarily representative of a better time in a better place. It only is. I have no fucking…
i know who u r
i know your kindness i know/ your scars i have some of those 2/ i know where you’ve been/ i know the smell of your shit/ i know your guts, and/ i know/ when you are giving up i do not want you 2 give up but it’s not up…
où pourrait-il y avoir/ art dans une toilette/ dans les contours et la rondeur comme un âne, un gros âne blanc, où est l’art en public dans ce qui est public dans une pisse/ dans un moment le monde se retourna à fond les entrailles drainaient à l’intérieur/ mais leur… -
Junkie’s Winter
that december of thursdays we lived on the subway like dishrags, incredulous that this had happened to us/ slamming in the subway toilets/ like cats/ vicious as a tattletale/ someday someone is going to put a bullet/ through your head/ and the rest of us and our second selves —… -
Everyone Has Something They Can Do
adults describe him as He Can’t Do Shit/ He Can’t Do Shit has alienated just about every adult he has crossed paths with especially teachers teachers would like to wring his neck/ cops2/ 3principals/ social workers by the dozens, and every single solitary member of his family/ if you ask… -
High As a CatGut Rope Can Swing
follow that truck