Tim Barrus Blog
The Gravity Field Binding the Coma Galaxy Together
Burger King Ketchups
Pornographers have, as of late, been more guarded as to What Happens Next. Publishers, many of them corporate publishers, would call me up because I was poor, a sitting victim I could and did live on $2,000 a year. You try it. “I need ten vanilla, I need three anals,…
And Brings 2 Breath All Silent Things
Daddy worked at night. The deeper ravines had No mother. Was somewhere else. Never explain. He would turn his face to the wall. Like looking at a locked facility screaming, fighting, biting, bleeding, spiting, scratching, throwing furniture, breaking all the dishes, challenging cops with guns. Was too consequential even for…
shadows are ubiquitous
Child Suicide Rates Soar
Meanwhile, back at the le-ranch…
At First, They Wandered – Homer
“The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion.”― Albert Camus – again.
Whom did the sailors say they were, and how did they land.
Beasts from another world, they had slaughtered themselves, playing at…
Put Your Tongue In My Mouth. Plausability opens tough and sour in prescient surmise invited as evidence. A long laundry list of transgression. You thought I was referring to what we call today. But no. I am referring to the lives you’ve lived to arrive explicitly in this place you…
Dirt Bike Dust
The institution of the Zoo Entertainment Industry is one of the magic card tricks anywhere in the current version of the Card Trick Kingdom. Nut. Nut. Who’s got The Nut. I am here to tell you that the punishment rendered to some animals in these glory shows abuse up close…
Go Buy a Gun
They kept beating him up. I tried to listen to it. Complain. But I became impatient because there was little fighting back. They had broken him. I gave him my Police.38. “I’m tired of hearing about it. Do something. You are dangerous. Because we are all dangerous.”