Tim Barrus Blog
Tim Barrus: New York Times
I am not a writer, I am a cosmologist. History. Structure. Constituent dynamics. Theory. How people behave themselves and derange themselves arguments that pretend the existence of whatever came before, and from the gravitational waves we now detect (not easily), we are looking back in time to, not before the…
Tim Barrus: Domestic Work Is Slavery
Tim Barrus, New York Times. Yes. I have. I’ve done it several times when I needed a job and hotels were hiring. It’s more or less all the same sort of work, and I am here to tell you that, it’s brutal, you have so many number of rooms to…
Tim Barrus: Today’s Mail
I rarely post from there. And you think you have a kinda dark thing going on with humanity buttcha don’t know what it means bcuz buzzbutt you don’t know what anything means.
I just wing it.
I get a lot of rage from typically young, degree from Brown (we all…
Tim Barrus, New York Times
The New York Times has banned my voice. I am a communist. Not their kind of person. I don’t see things (like life) the same way gatekeepers do. They have made it very clear. They are not banning me necessarily for the ideas I articulate. THEY BAN ME FOR WHO…
Tim Barrus: HIV and Covid
Children who have been illegally hired to work in slaughter houses are catching covid. It gets hushed up. These kids get murdered and raped and can disappear with no evidence they ever existed. Violence begets violence, and death begets death. Virus begets virus. You can argue all you want to…
Tim Barrus: Changes Everything
Tim Barrus: Way Skinny
Tim Barrus: You have been extremely limited.
Tim Barrus, New York Times
You have too much stuff. Give it all away to junkies and bums. Do it now. There is nothing to remember.
Tim Barrus: Homo Sapiens Are Beneath Contempt
I am a communist. I know exactly how much any culture, prideful, fond memories of the past but not as anything is spun to death by abyss. A media get out of my way master code for What Is Worth What. Why are you here. I am mad to improve…