Tim Barrus Blog
Tim Barrus: I Have Always Wanted To Stay Somewhat Hidden
This house was always removed. Houses are like the people who live in them. And the people who live in them live inside themselves.
Tim Barrus: You Were A Beast Of Burden
i drag those memories across any stage that would have me and let me explain/ my bar stool, if you’re going to have a bar stool, but no bar, you can at least have one refreshing cocktail and I explain to you that I did not know who I was…
Tim Barrus: Checking Out
You suck off the Motel Night Clerk so there it is. One room, one night. And who is there to make sure we really leave. It had a shower which is why we were there. She had those black fingernails.
Tim Barrus: His Class
They will tell you they live in the Land of No. They do not live in the Land of No. They live in the Land of A Lot. I want to get them back in the room before the halls get crazy again. They do not change classes. This is…
Tim Barrus: Final Drafts From a Cheap Hotel
No one knows we are here. Even us.
Tim Barrus: Why AreYou Here
People in the New York Times go into a rage over my being a communist. They dive down deep into the rabbit hole because they have taken the bait. The next 42 sentences will all be about why communism was bad and it failed. Kinda like me. Their last sizzle…
Tim Barrus: The New York Times Steadfadstly refuses to “Publish A Known Radical” Which Causes One To Wonder What The Fuck
Drop this into any mailbox, it will find me with keys and spies and code where
women with real tits take off their shoes and light a cigarette. Now what.
Tim Barrus: I Only Said Be Yourself. And so you did. You had been seduced by seduction, and I was okay with it.
You are not the fly on the wall. Whenever I write any of this nonsense – any text whatsoever – is a defeat of photography and I am the hypocrite who says, Never Explain. By comparison. Or amusing by virtue. To put a camera in faces who know who you…
Tim Barrus: The Edge of Rage
And then, drag our empty arms across a sky of Rivers Bang, you know/ short as one man’s skull/ i can’t breathe well in here/ and struggle not to faint, and then, I remember the images of the slaughter house, the dogs in labs with induced eye infections pulling their…
Tim Barrus: The Ship That Has Never Left the Dock, Does Not Imply Your Ship Has Come In
Publishing is a complicated process that no one, no one really understands. We can examine any media piece by piece. We can even change the rules. But the mesage is the same. It’s about the media.