Tim Barrus Blog
The Phantom Drooping Trees
I doubt that we will see the likes of this again for at least a few lifetimes.
Generations of a thin exhaustion.
I remember the river. I remember the smell of the river not unlike a slow light upon the ground held in check by rain. I remember watching kids…
Comments Are Bones For Dogs
AN OPEN LETTER TO THE NEW YORK TIMES: This letter appears on the medium along with a protest video where James Baldwin speaks.
I do have a New York Times Most Notable Book under my…
Tim Barrus New York Times
Apil 12, 1861 was the year the bloodbath began to run. We are going straight hell again.
This will at first glance seem uncivil. It is the truth. Complacency is evil. Ideology is camouflage.
Public policy is constructed in the face of a pandemic the insular United States confronts with…
because you are compelled to or he will disappear/
Tim Barrus Photography
green blanket
“But there’s nothing to photograph here.”
My eyes to the sky.
Moscow Mitch
It looks like Trump might get another opportunity to pack the Supreme Court. Moscow Mitch will bring the nominee to the Senate floor. Then, the fun begins.
When are the Democrats going to grow some balls.
Perhaps, we should not have a vote on a nominee to the Supreme Court…
Tim Barrus: New York Times
Insanity Is the Status Quo.
The country is collapsing. The culture is collapsing. Institutions are collapsing. The economy is collapsing.
Authority maintains that everything is fine, here in Appalachia. There is no evidence to support this. There is evidence that the opposite is true.
We are the only family on…
What the Kid Can Give
4 this relationship 2 work, you have to be open to taking what the kid can give/ it might not be much/ often, boys at risk will only give you a small opportunity to break through the walls they build to survive/ you have to meet him as an equal/…
Spills Into Cups
their dancing spills into cups incognito but i know who the fuck you are/ your bones spread out like demons deep into the devil night/ and there it is, falls down, the challenge is to not allow the world to make you disappear, it will anyway, we are just the…
pushing inside you
i would push you up against the tree/ you asked me to please push you up against the tree/ especially in the sodden rain/ you were like a watermark/ all the delicate debris of life/ the smell of your shit and sweat/ the weather never really mattered/ your insides were…