Republicans Have Murdered Tens of Thousands

The concept of evil is not one used today. Evil as an idea has its place in the past. So does Mitch McConnell.

McConnell is mean, cruel, vindictive, and his wife, Elaine Lan Chao, by association profits from access to political power that is fundamentally affiliated by what can be seen as an abuse of insider trading (confidential knowledge of corporate evaluation and worth) at the Cabinet level where the republican rat pack looks out for other creatures of its kind. These two enable Trump to run the country.

All three of them are evil. The triumvirate of a ruthlessness where a culture war has been waged against the poor, African-Americans, kids in cages, the unemployed, federal airline regulation, and the chiseling away at human rights, civil rights, and equality under the law. They make the laws and we don’t. We are compelled to live by them. They mostly operate in the shadows. In nature, we employ the term parasite to describe a relationship of one species sustaining itself through the systems of another.

This will be considered uncivil. The truth is frequently uncivil and inconvenient. It is uncivil that the McConnell regime’s relationship with the Putin regime has forbidden any scrutiny by law enforcement, as is Elaine Lan Chao’s relationship to the mercantile shipping business with China. We are talking millions of dollars in profit. The Senate’s Dear Leader relationship with his wife is a subject of recusal and resignation from the senate. He’s evil, and always will be.