Tim Barrus New York Times

What election. Any attempt to save our way of life assumes it’s worth living.

At one time, it might have been.


I know.

That time would not be this time. America does not work. How can there be trust in an election if there is no trust in fundamental government. The authoritarian voices we pretend to flail against, are, in fact, voices we try to find ways to live with. The next reality TV rerun will be the regime’s charges of sedition. Election or no election.

America will stand by while kangaroo courts bounce from person to person as they lock us up because standing by as they are exploited is what Americans do. Americans vote for monsters all the time.

Does anyone still believe that Republicans care about trust in elections. Republicans care about raw power. Period.

I was shocked at the whole scenario of Kids In Cages. At the time, I thought it was enough to sink the regime.

Americans do not care about elections. Why would they care about children.

Behind closed detention doors, abuse is rampant. The rest of us are left here just trying to survive again. Elections are a smokescreen.

200,000 dead is ephemeral. That, too, is an election.

Many Americans will not vote, convinced that the Great Machine is bigger than they are. Is survival enough. Are elections enough. Is the quality of life enough? Like America, it’s all mythology. The regime will eat the election’s lunch.

We have lost this civil war. America is not worth the struggle. We have surrendered.