It Is Time To Be Uncivil

Murder by cop. The major load of Covid. No justice. High unemployment. Essential jobs. On. And. On. And. On. What else are we going to demand from the most vulnerable. A step back into the horrific past? What. We have already stepped back into the horrific past.

Antifa is.

We will not be kept out. No justice. No peace. We will stare an entire military phalanx standing or moving in close formation. Drumbeat.

The fascist regime has just articulated they will not be leaving the White House. No matter what. Even journalists are saying they will not stand for that.

And yet they will.

And so will the American people. The American people are cowards. You can take everything away from them. You can watch their families die. You can watch victims go homeless. But the American people will tell me I must pray for peace.

I’m not compelled to pray for anything. You cannot force me to pray. That is my right. I will defend that right as I look into the whites of their very eyes.

I will not pray to Donald Trump. I will not take his vaccine. Do you really trust Dr. Trump. It’s a painful question the New York Times will consider to be uncivil.

And there it is. Our institutions insist we remain civil.

They are complicit. They enable the regime. Even the New York Times. Especially the New York Times. If I in any way articulate the word Antifa anywhere in the New York Times, I am shut down. They cower behind the word uncivil.

It is time to be uncivil. It is time to be uncivil.