Tim Barrus Blog


    Both Andrew and I have had a lot of experience avoiding cops. We knew too many people, all of them members of Antifa, who had quietly disappeared. They just weren’t there anymore. Vanished. No one dared to question authority about where the evaporated were. The ubiquitous party line was that…


    Andrew and I have been buying rusted junker dirt bikes (sometimes people pay us to take them away) and fixing them up, and then selling them. We had to buy some new tools. Riding the 150s in the snow is definitely a rush.

  3. The Better To Eat You With

    On the way to Granny’s house…

  4. The Boat Ramp

    I left on the same boat ramp I came in on. You are a long way away. If you want it, I’m gonna be va va voom voom If you got it, you got it, you got that boom boom If you want it, I’m gonna be va va voom


    Dirt Bikes. La Paz.

  6. His Pajamas

    Photography: Tim Barrus

  7. Gold Coins For The Boatman

    ArtPhotography: Tim Barrus

  8. Readers in South America

    Americans would not recognize a South American adolescent as a reader. We cling to our precious stereotypes. Even if those stereotypes have no relationhip to the real world. Lately, I have been stunned to discover South American readers who have have found my books. And they read them. Many speak

  9. Tim Barrus, The New York Times

    I live in Appalachia. Our people have dogs. Because they help keep us safe. Because we are afraid. For many of us, dogs are all we have. It’s difficult for people who live in parts of the country where things at least sometimes work. Can you imagine a place where

  10. The Four Seasons

    GOING ROGUE The private sun was slipping quietly across the private timeline of the bed. The space-time sex-continuum. This would require emergency room service. All Georgetown beds have a timeline. All covens have a timeline. A private timeline with a private jet to whisk us all away. The Four Seasons