Tim Barrus: New York Times: Bone Spurs

Bone spurs.

I will not write the King’s name here or anywhere else. That name is now obscene. That name will never be given to any American ship. The name itself is a pornography of hatred, incompetency, and contempt for the rule of law. The King scratches out pieces of the Constitution fragment by fragment. There is an assault every day. Yet the American people are impotent to do anything.

That golden name of the King and that legacy will be something Americans are going to want to bury and forget.

Yet Americans will need to remember it. Its dark secrets. Its criminality. The penchant to hide, hide, hide, a Navy ship, a traitor’s bogus claims, the memory of children in cages, and greed, always greed, greed, greed.

John McCain was the actual hero. The King cannot bury him because McCain was the example of what we could reach for.

If anyone reaches to embrace the King, he will be burned. He will be vilified. There are some things that compel us to remember.

Bone spurs.