ChinaTown ChinaTown

It’s about the money. Everyone has their bugabuga religion. What happens to speech. Speech here. Speech there. I want to know about speech in Russia, the DRC, what happened in France, les confréries de la langue, what is speech in Japan. I hesitate to use the term Free Speech anywhere. Because it’s a cultural illusion that Free Speech Is Us. You have more gatekeepers than you have innovation. Innovation is uncertainty. How long do we play hot potato. Tribalism can only be juggled so far. Gatekeeperism is so not Free Speech. When they burn my books, and send me, UPS, the ashes, I get it, okay, you are not reading my books, you are only burning them, and if I wanted to scream fire, I would do it in print, and there’s a lot of water under that bridge to China, where Free Speech is held in high regard. Please. You cannot say – there it is again – with any certainty that nobody wants a thermonuclear war. But around language. No. Around culture. Pop culture is game as long as there’s profit in it. You can be a hit and grow old all at the same time. China wants our teenagers’ info. No. Just no. China wants to know what you cannot live without. What’s relevant is the median age of adolescents called up to fight the Chinese. China will know where families live. Let’s dance and pretend to drop the towel. Culture is bigger than any tribe. Language anthropologists see diaspora’s evolution of language. Tik Tok is language. Eighty percent of Tik Tok is mating behavior. Drop the towel and let the maid pick it up. Your algorithms are showing. What’s an algorithm. Is anyone asking how smart Americans really are, Tik Tok is deep into the diaspora of pop culture whose Ruling Warlords are all the old men. Again and again and again and again while Attila the Hun is at the gates. I know where you live. Gatekeep that.