Tim Barrus Americans Shiver in Their Pathetic Shoes

I am a communist. “And Respond.” Americans have never responded. They ruminate, and then they bend the knee. If North Korea invaded us, would you respond. No. It’s football night. You can go with Miss Timid. You will crawl at the Deviant’s feet. You can go with a polite note to the White House. They always listen. As the New York Times grows more radical, you owe it to yourselves to seriously study Radicalism. Not the left. Not the right. I am a coward. I am afraid. The Deviant wants you dead. You refuse to believe. Let’s just carry on because we can do nothing. And there it is.

But what about my children, my house, my spouse. Then die. Who has time to radicalize the frightened mute. I have lied to myself that Americans will rise up. I have decided that writing will have to do. I am kidding myself and I know it. This is bigger than writing can address. This is bigger than republicanism. Americans love Big. This is bigger than politics. You fall back on politics, you lose.

Radicalism is more than you can do. Then die. Can’t we all just be civil. Where do you live. We need Act Up to teach us how to do this. Corpses on federal steps. Chain ourselves yourself to the door. Sit down. March. One word. A million signs: Rapist. Do not let the Deviant execute you and your timidity. Resist does not mean staying home. Resisting is not civil. Crawl out of your skin and stand in the front of the crowd. Make Big Barricades. Set them on fire. Tires work. You will do nothing. I told you so.