And He Would Fly Away

his heart is rubbish/ he has always lived in his own world/ he knows the outside world is there/ he has simply chosen not to participate/ but such decisions have consequences/ you try changing his wet and shitty diaper/ i double dog dare you/ any romanticism you once held for the i am going to opt out children in either a disease paradigm or psychopathology will vanish at the smell of shit/ there is nothing romantic about his existence/ he has to be fed/ by hand/ just about everyone he knows has abandoned him/ this is far more dangerous than any psychobabble/ he thinks the world inside the internet is real/ he thinks the world inside the tv screen is real/ he thinks the world inside a smart phone is real/ he roams all screens with his wet-drool hands/ he thinks he is superman, batman, and james t kirk, he wants a phaser so he can stun the people who annoy him, this includes me, but i do not believe his promise to keep the phaser on stun/ he lies/ sometimes we talk about the good old days when he was normal/ and then someone came along who fucked him in the ass for a few years, and he wasn’t normal anymore/ it hurt to be normal, and he was having none of it/ if anyone attempts to change his diaper, he screams at the top of his lungs fuckmefuckmefuckmefuckme/ it’s unnerving/  to split the fabric of his being, and to bleed is the story of his life/ blood and shit and he would fly away/