Tim Barrus: The Whip Cracked Like a Bloodlit Sky.
I am a communist. Breaking out guns in a culture war will harm everyone. I have been banned by the New York Times. The New York Times is banning me because I am a radical voice. Your voice must conform. You have all kinds of writers at NYT. But you have no radical voices and you have no mental health voices because stigma is reprobation. As soon as any voice like my own attempts to be a part of the dialogue, we are not allowed in the room. What is it about a privileged white teenager allowed to roam the streets with his hard, great big gun that was used to kill people at a peaceful protest. If this young man were black, he’d be executed by now. But he’s white. The power structure protected him. Those of us who have joined Antifa have had his adolescent face burned into our remorseless memories. The smirk. The arrogance. The play-acting. The right amount of jaw trembling and tears. What is he, five. Grow up. Our schools are incubating vats of rage at people who you thought were not unlike you. You were wrong. They don’t look like you. They don’t sound like you. They don’t eat like you. They don’t worship like you. They don’t go to rallies like you. They don’t vote like you. They don’t vote. They don’t go to the superior schools. Like Yale. Harvard. Mommy and Daddy are in the background because Mommy and daddy paid for the background, the foreground, and all the costumes so we can all play Clown Car. I’ve been banned by NYT. You think it’s funny. It’s actually quit dangerous.