I Call Them the Family Men
When I say “Family Man,” I mean men who slink around like criminals, sucking boy cock, getting fucked in the ass by kids they pay, or playing games of motel sadomasochism that would shrink your balls to Skittles.
These men have high rates of sexually transmitted disease. This can mean, and usually does, sexually transmitted divorce. What the wife ends up with are a houseful of children, and human papilloma virus. Sometimes HIV. I have no idea why these men seem to all hate condoms, but I am here to tell you, they do. They will pay the boy getting fucked extra.
These men know that if they are out in public, they dare not glance at any boy. People are on the lookout for any man whose vision lingers. Faggot. Depending on what part of the country you are from, anyone identified as a faggot can have a pickup truck of men armed with baseball bats arrive at his house. The degree of suspicion is breathtaking. It will end your life. Mr. Family Man is afraid.
Men who actually fuck boys usually get away with it. More likely, the boy fucks him. No one likes these men. Especially the boy. Standing on his corner with his cigarette in his mouthy, he has seen these family men drive round and round the block. The boy can spot them a mile away.
They all have one thing in mind and it isn’t sex.
“Don’t tell.”
Why in the world would the boy “tell.” He would be arrested and thrown into juvenile detention. He is quite aware of this as he has been in Juvie before. Detention is where the tricks are the other, older boys where sex and abuse is rampant. Not one calls it rape but that is what it is. You don’t need a corner to stand on.
Depending on the boy, the tricks can be like flies.
The boys will tell you that they are the ones in charge of any scene. It is a lie. It is comparable to: “I’ve never been raped.”
“Then, where is all this anger coming from.”
The boy does not often have a gun. Older male sex workers, the tougher ones with the gym bags, almost always have a gun. The boy cannot afford a gun. He’s selling sex in cars. What he has are knives.
I run a group for just such boys. We mainly talk a lot. It takes some time before the kid has anything to say. He is afraid, too.
Of a lot of things.
Like adults.
Many of these boys are homeless. Many can’t do sex work unless they’re high. Some are gay. Some are not. This is where the spectrum of sexuality has no meaning, no place, whatsoever. It has been rendered mute. What matters here is survival.
They are raped all the time, robbed, thrown out of cars into ditches, and murdered. When they disappear, no one knows, no one is even aware of who they are, and no one cares. They’re just gone and it doesn’t leave a hole in the universe.
Seduction is just a set of behaviors which for the boy are robotic. His existence is robotic. His universe is robotic. His shit hole is robotic. He has to find a place to push the cum out of him. A ditch will do. A parking lot will do. A motel toilet will do. In fact, the kid will spend the night when the trick leaves to return to his family. The chance to shower, to take a shit, to sleep in a bed is a nice piece of lucky me. But what happens most of the time is that the boy will do a few more tricks in the motel room if he can. Ditches are fucked. Parking lots are fucked. Luck is where you find it.
They smell like cum.
These boys kill themselves all the time.
Depression isn’t cyclical. It’s every minute of every day.
Family intervention.
Independent living skills.
Behavioral health assessment.
Exit planning.
Many boys will have none of this. They will do what they have to do to avoid detention. Because detention is punishment.
It’s back to the street and sex work. These social work ideas sound good. But they are not always possible. Family men are always possible.
Job opportunities do exist. Like drug dealer. Candidates will be junkies themselves and successful at minimal supervision. They must have a basic understanding of math. They must be self-motivated. They must possess good communication skills and be a People Person. A successful candidate will perform well under pressure when guns are aimed at him. He will not sample the product.
Typically, Mr. Family man will feel stressed and put upon.
He ought to try thinking about how it feels for the boy.
There are currently only six states that allow unaccompanied homeless youth under 18 to obtain shelter and housing without parental consent. Federal Runaway and Homeless Youth Act regulations also allow youth to enter federally-funded programs without parental notification or consent if the provider determines contacting a parent or guardian is not in the youth’s best interest, the provider is unable to locate a parent or guardian, or the youth refuses to disclose a parent’s or guardian’s contact information.
Organizations that serve unaccompanied homeless minors report
regularly having to turn them away from shelter due to a lack of beds.
Communities commonly have no crisis shelter programs at all.
An estimated 1.7 million children run away or are forced to leave home every year in the US.
380,000 will be away from home a week or longer, putting them at significant risk.
The resources to help them are thin.
Like other homeless individuals, LGBT young people experience significant challenges while homeless—including limited access to food, shelter, health care, education, and real employment.
Many of these young people have been kicked out by families who do not accept them.
Adolescents are growing and developing a sense of self,
while also navigating homelessness.
Making difficult choices about whether to identify openly as LGBT.
No ID card. Tasks become bureaucratic nightmares.
Obtaining the cards can be impossible.
- Only 22 percent of states—including the District of Columbia—offer free or
reduced-cost ID cards to young people who are homeless. - Nearly half of all states require some form of consent from a parent or legal
guardian to issue an ID card.
- 12 states have no apparent protocols for assisting homeless ID card applicants,
and many states have protocols that are unclear or impractical.
- At least 15 states require proof of sex reassignment surgery, a court order, and/
or an amended birth certificate for transgender individuals to change the gender
marker on their ID card, with additional states using policies that are unclear or
otherwise restrictive.
Often, no ID means no services. We pretend there are safety nets, but in reality we throw kids back into the street with absolute impunity.
Even Mr. Family Man only sees the tip of the iceberg. He doesn’t even know the name of the boy who just fucked him in the ass.