Tim Barrus New York Times
NewYork Times
It is uncivil to take the focus off the regime, and to put it like a laser sight on a country that worships a psychotic. The media is still using the terms misleading and falsehoods.
This is misleading.
In 2015, the media became hypnotized by the leviathan behemoth it had created. The full-blown psychotic drool (no doubt I will be punished for saying drool) being spit out like hostile expectorate in a rabid froth over issues that did not exist were the status quo. The New York Times cannot take it back.
The affair between the media and the cult god elected the cult god. I’m not too worried about my comments not getting published by the civil New York Times because they are being collected and published in a book as is this comment itself.
Eat me.
The New York Times trots out all the worried folks weeping that we are losing our democracy. What democracy. The democracy we lost in a jungle years ago when Nixon got away with conducting secret wars in Laos and Cambodia. Nixon got clobbered with Watergate. His more serious crimes got funded. Politicians took note. Big crimes were good. Little crimes were no no no.
Today, the regime fucks around with both.
The American people are bigoted, stupid, creepy, mindless, fat, and they’re dropping like flies because they were the very dogshit that elected a regime of fascists. Americans love fascism writ large. Never you mind the Second World War. It’s fake news. Please email me when my comment is published. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!