Tim Barrus Blog

Posts tagged with tim-barrus-new-york-times

  1. Anita Hill, Dignified

    https://www.nytimes.com/2024/10/28/opinion/kamala-harris-dignity.html#permid=137174224 Take notes. Dignity in the face of screaming rage. By someone who has been burned before. This was very well written. I could never get into the whole nonviolent affect that speaks to us of calm. Calm is a problem. Anita Hill is pointing to a bigger issue. Her

  2. Like No

    Take notes. The despair is real. The hate is real. And the revenge that drives the beast is real as well. We don’t talk about jealousy too much. This is a Culture World War. You will be told that it’s more complex than that, and it is. But not to


    Take notes. Many of the Boomers with HIV are now elderly. HIV/AIDS affects many of the body’s organ systems, including the brain and nervous system. HIV infection actually makes its way to the brain early in the disease process. HIV encephalopathy is an infection spread throughout the brain. The greater

  4. North Korea

    Take notes. I would like to know what was said in those phone calls to the Kremlin. Is contacting the leader of a country we are at war with even legal. I forgot. There is nothing treasonous about calling up a really close, close friend. I forgot. Illegal is a

  5. The Writing Life – NYT

    https://www.nytimes.com/2024/10/20/podcasts/the-daily/tony-tulathimutte-feminist.html#permid=136977606 Take notes. There is no such thing as identity. Identity is a cultural concept of the self at war with society. I have had many windmills in my life. Those things we shake our swords at. What comes around, goes around. I lied. I said I was someone (I


    History is history. Repeating it is what homo sapiens sapiens do. Take notes. I have been listening to the whole Let Us Have More Babies And More Babies. So that we can keep the status quo of growth at all costs, development at all costs, overcrowding at all costs, environmental

  7. Tim Barrus, New York Times

    Take notes. Great piece. I knew we were in trouble when the Hurricane blew the front door off. I live at the top of a mountain in the Appalachian Blue Ridge. I have survived 22 hurricanes. But nothing like this one. The water was coming at us sideways. There was

  8. Tim Barrus: Let’s Get Rid of SCOTUS

    Take notes. There are two  Americas. The rich tribe. And the poor tribe. Nothing of significance in between. The senate is the rich guys. They never go down without a blood feud. The House of Representatives is also with the rich guys. They do go down regularly. The bottom is

  9. Tim Barrus and the New York Times

    Take notes. I get a lot of Reader Flack from readers that strenuously resent: “Why do you always have to deal with dead kids. It’s depressing us. Poor us.” I write about children I know. Having been in Special Education, I write about what I know. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. Multiple

  10. Tim Barrus: New York Times

    Take notes. I have no faith. Things are worsening fast. I got my kids to another country. I am hopeful we will have a civil war. Repeat: I am hopeful we will have a civil war. The problem is that – allow me to call them the Normals – it

  11. Tim Barrus: New York Times Magazine

    No one in publishing will talk about the writer blacklist. I’m shocked to my writer testicles. – Tim Barrus I have never taken a writing course. What is a writing course. Do they need the income from side gigs. Are you kidding me. I grow a lot of my own

  12. Tim Barrus: Journalists Elected Trump

    Take notes. Harris is on the path to winning the presidency. It will be close. Mainly, it’s a battle cry. Journalists are bitter over the fact that they are not on anyone’s radar. Journalists are a problem. They think that anyone who they want to focus on has no agency


    Take notes. Americans will tell you they like diversity. They do not know what diversity even is. It took hundreds of millions of years for trees to invent themselves. During the Carnian Pluvial Event, it rained for two million years. Two million years of rain. We cannot even imagine it.

  14. Comment Moderation Softens the Image for the Bad Guys

    If I so much as write – Trump is a rapist – comment moderators will side with Trump, and then, the swords come out. I get axed. Yet it’s civil for a columnist to articulate the same fact. There are several realities going on here. The reality of the rape.

  15. There is no Art in Appalachia

    There is no art in Appalachia. There is corruption though. Some of these suits are more crooked than a barrel of fishhooks. Unless you view what are, in fact, trinkets, or photographs of water running pastoral streams and dreams through the deep woods. Anyone can do those those things. That…

  16. That Would be Our Kids

    Take notes: I am a super cool parent and I have set no one adrift. I do not bite Barbie’s head off. Who actually parents children in a politikal context. My three-year-old is a Nazi. She orders everyone around. Are you telling me that republicans have children. Who demonstrate the

  17. Local Media

    Tim Barrus: Local Journalism I worked as a reporter in New Mexico. I covered local things. Like murder. I had to deal with the PR rhetoric of the FBI. At night, the FBI went home. I wrote about corpses being dug up. Crime scene photography becomes ritualized. So where do

  18. New Chums Beach

    New Chums Beach

  19. Dark Stairs

    Tim Barrus Art

  20. All These Babies Are a Burden

    I do not understand how anyone would bring a child into this sad and exhausted world. Some people have to have it all, when no one can have it all. The house. The cars. The kids. The job. The credit cards. Food. Food. Food. And school. And school times twenty.

  21. The Smile

    The smile is disarming. We have lived with temper tantrums, theft (the boxes), the migrant kids, ripped from arms, and thrown in cages, the secret secret plans with Putin. The secret secret plans with Xi Jingping. The secret secret plans with Kim. Even his patriotic rout failed. His business failed.

  22. She Can Defeat Him

    I was not going to vote. And I always vote. But, not this time. Nevertheless, if Kamala runs, I’m running with her. I’m voting because I want to see those two angry old eyes finally, Blink. I am not too good at enduring the MAGA onslaught. Another four years of…

  23. Squad

    25 maintains they will remove children from their homes of gay parents. Where is the gay community. It matters not if those children were adopted or were dropped by a stork. Children coming from families where kids are extraordinarily sexually and emotionally abused, life and death, these children have already

  24. Healthcare Has Failed Us

    We are living through a culture war because we do not know how to rule ourselves, and we do not even know who our many selves are. We take a trip. Sometimes literature comes to town. The Book of Stories is us. But it is not yet an us, Americans

  25. Tim Barrus: Blood in the Water

    Sex was once considered to be a political act. Birth control was up for grabs, and birth control is still up for grabs. I remember – those times – when old white men called the shots because they could. The Supreme Court went for guns. Do you think, they won’t…