Tim Barrus Blog

Posts tagged with tim-barrus-new-york-times

  1. Tim Barrus, New York Times

    Culture War Blitz

  2. Tim Barrus, New York Times

    The New York Times has banned my voice. I am a communist. Not their kind of person. I don’t see things (like life) the same way gatekeepers do. They have made it very clear. They are not banning me necessarily for the ideas I articulate. THEY BAN ME FOR WHO…


    I didn’t think anything could surprise me. But this one threw me out the window. The New York Times has a blacklist. A blacklist is a collection of names of people they overtly discriminate against as some kind of form of revenge and vengeance. I do not know why. I

  4. Tim Barrus: Comment Moderation, NYT

    Hi Friends! I am so excited to know that you refuse to publish anything and everything I write. How intransigent and fun! All of it is in my book book book! How about that! There’s a lot about how educational it was learning from you. I am so glad I

  5. Tim Barrus, New York Times

    Workers do not get vacations. Workers get fucked. It’s what we do.


    Tim Barrus, The New York Times I am a communist. And I get the voice. Okay, who will be King Of It All. Does anyone really think, that the Movers and the Shakers and the Criminals that now own the Internet, have been sitting at their desks counting their money

  7. Some Will Some Won’t

    I am a communist. You could always hear us coming down the hall. Kids looking around for codes and secret signs. We all do that anyway. Kids are kids on a good day. “But he had a rainbow on the door.” My ideas about health care begin with having the

  8. Tim Barrus, New York Times

    I am with Antifa. Haters rage at us. They’re going to kill mom and dad. Already dead for decades. The Feds stalk Antifa. Haters poison my pets. Publish maps to my house. They pinpoint my controversial sites including Facebook, and Twitter (thank you). They cannot spell. They burn my books,

  9. Tim Barrus, New York Times

    Civility Dreampolitik is denial. Cute. Deathpolitik is far more real. I am not the kind of person who should be reading this smart, somewhat intellectual take on what happened as if this might be 2016 again and again. Georgia voters should be reading this. The groundhog is still in the


    TIM BARRUS: NEW YORK TIMES We have seen the cliff, and we have jumped. There are no returns on this purchase. To wit: the Democrats. At least sometimes they hold hands after they jump. But the result is always the same. America is just another cultural corpse. Athens become one.

  11. Tim Barrus New York Times

    What democracy. No one wants to say that what we have is a cult and a regime. The elite privileged are eternally focused on saving democracy. They have a vested interest in that they could control the system if they could win it back. Does it matter if they win

  12. Tim Barrus New York Times

    Democracy is so yesterday. It’s the stranger who came to town. The kind of democracy we yearn for is always waiting in the wings. Rich old white men have owned what they call democracy as if the thing itself was the magician’s assistant you could cut in two, and then

  13. Tim Barrus New York Times

    NewYork Times      It is uncivil to take the focus off the regime, and to put it like a laser sight on a country that worships a psychotic. The media is still using the terms misleading and falsehoods. This is misleading. In 2015, the media became hypnotized by the leviathan behemoth

  14. Tim Barrus New York Times

    I am an advocate for violence. I am also a communist. I am not a compliant Russian apparatchik who gives lip service to a regime. I am a Marxist. Karl Marx would have looked around and shaken his head. He would have said: I told you so. The real regime

  15. Tim Barrus New York Times

    Apil 12, 1861 was the year the bloodbath began to run. We are going straight hell again. This will at first glance seem uncivil. It is the truth. Complacency is evil. Ideology is camouflage. Public policy is constructed in the face of a pandemic the insular United States confronts with

  16. Tim Barrus in the New York Times

    Moms need weed. I am not supposed to say that. I am not supposed to write it either. There are no moms here. It’s me and the boys. We have not been in public in three months. I put all the furniture out on the veranda. We can sit and

  17. Tim Barrus: New York Times

    How courageous does it have to be to not vote for a ruthless, hateful, deeply disturbed despot. Some. Not a lot. Trump is looking scared. He should look scared. When he’s gone from the White House – one way or another – it’s going to all come at him like…

  18. America is Toast: Tim Barrus, New York Times

    Americans are not living through a social crisis. America is dying – not living – through the demystification that has always been smokescreen for what America is actually all about, and always has been. A violent, unequal, class system that denies class even exists. The only evidence that suggests class…