Tim Barrus Blog

Posts tagged with tim-barrus-new-york-times

  1. Free Speech

    There is no such thing as free speech. Or free anything. The entire dog and pony show is never free, there is a cost, usually duplicitous. To see the stars, you will pay the piper. – tim barrus

  2. Back Into the Earth

    Tim Barrus, the New York Times

  3. College by Any Other Name

    Tim Barrus and the New York Times Pam Paul at the New York Times always grabs me because she’s a talented storyteller, and often, her work sheds light for me, the reader, into spaces that are reserved by people who are elsewhere. Ms Paul presents to us a glittering vision

  4. porch

    He sang songs in this rocker. And he forgot his hat.

  5. Tim Barrus, New York Times

    I hear they go naked under the robes. It’s fun to poke them because it robs them of their ritualized validity. Satire is protected speech. Since this is not the New York Times, I can say that they have no authority and even less moral authority. Make me pay this

  6. Tim Barrus, New York Times

    Entire packs of wolves behave exactly like humans posing for position. It’s fundamentally all about power, but women have to work harder at it, and for less. Don’t ask me to paint any kind of picture as to who and what Homo sapiens means. The jury remains in session until…

  7. Tim Barrus, New York Times

    We have figured out who the person was who allegedly spoke on the record with media but anonymously (how does that even happen) about my family. What are they talking about. I don’t even have a family. I don’t come from anywhere. I am an alien from B733D111-1, a star…

  8. Tim Barrus, New York Times

    Motel 6. Vegas. Okay, so, I kinda do get life in a Vegas motel. How many first drafts do you want.

  9. Tim Barrus, New York Times

    To use the idea of “fun” as a weaponized guided cruise missle that hits the wrong wedding in Oman, I am here to tell you that “fun” has little to do with survival, and if you have survived the contemporary world, you have validated yourself in a terrain where validation…

  10. Tim Barrus, New York Times

    I am actually hard on the South. A jaundiced eye. Never use a radiator. We grow great corn around here. I’ve never seen a still. But I have heard whispers about them.

  11. Tim Barrus, New York Times

    I live at the top of a mountain in the Blue Ridge. I ride a dirt bike. Street bikers think I’m nuts. But who needs a helmet anyway. I am thinking America in my hair. When I ride into a city, someone tries to steal my bike. I have caught

  12. Tim Barrus, Opinion Editor, New York Times

    NYT Opinion Editor One voice is missing. Even in the abortion issue as it now defines the culture war. You have the liberal writers. You have centrist writers. But you have no radical voices insisting on the need for subversion. Subversiveness is off the table. It was never on the…

  13. Tim Barrus, New York Times

    The Days of Yesteryear. Today, the drugs are better.

  14. Tim Barrus, New York Times

    I am a communist. I’m not sure if this piece of work on the economy, and the rich are selling pencils and apples on Wall Street. Paypal. This piece is not too hopeful. The unhopeful are wetting their panties over an empending recession. I am not that hopeful. No one…

  15. Tim Barrus, New York Times

    There is something a little inflated about an editorial POV that paints Republicanism as the real America. I would argue that Republicanism is what has caused us to stand on the brink but we do not know what of. Looking down at our feet, we know the abyss is there.…

  16. Tim Barrus, New York Times

    There is usually an adult somewhere out there who could reach a kid. This would be men. But men want to hurt you. Women are from another planet. No one will help you. They only want you to bleed.

  17. Tim Barrus, New York Times

    Or how do you live in a broom closet.

  18. Tim Barrus, New York Times

    That permanent storage underground so deliberate in anticipating millenia failure after failure apocalypse and singularity have become rich and strange.  

  19. Tim Barrus, New York Times

    Why I Quit High School I didn’t quit, I just didn’t go much. To high school. I was in a special program where I was literally let loose. Do I Say: I have Asperger’s. Or do I say, I am Asperger’s. All my voices are Asperger’s, too. It’s all so…

  20. Tim Barrus, New York Times

    Here, in Appalachia, we’re too uneducated to be joyful. We do not live in America, and we are quite good at ignoring debilitation because it might mean us. We know decrepitude when we see it. It’s ordinary. School is decrepit. Media is creeping decrepitude. Law is decrepit. The coal mines,

  21. Tim Barrus, New York Times

    The hurt has been forgotten in the toxic whirlwind of edges and some so sharp as flint cuts well beyond our grasp. Wandering in the cold. The hurt will clutch at any straw.

  22. Tim Barrus, New York Times

    I am constrained by the New York Times from using these words. Fat. Old. White. Men. Guns. It’s their fault. All of it. Readers are not getting the full story. Civility is going to crush us as sure as it shapes who we are and how tolerant we are.

  23. Tim Barrus, New York Times

    I do not like taking on educational issues. It’s too big. It’s cumbersome. I have seen it up close all over the country. From blind kids in NYC to deaf kids in San Francisco. To boys with HIV who had learned that education is a hustle, too. Teaching kids to…

  24. Tim Barrus, New York Times

    Where are the republican women. They’re celebrating. What did you think they were going to do.

  25. Tim Barrus: New York Times

    I Should Begin With Synopsis. But No. We know this: America seems to want our death. I have always lived with that, and it is not dissimilar to living with nuclear inevitability. I am autistic. A high functioning autistic. I will not tolerate any Homo sapiens with their various and