Tim Barrus Blog

Posts tagged with tim-barrus-new-york-times

  1. Tim Barrus New York Times

    https://www.nytimes.com/2024/12/07/magazine/tilda-swinton-interview.html#permid=138113367 TILDA Take notes. Tilda Swinton gives the New York Times an edge. An edge they frequently cover up with the contradiction between the fact that no one even knows what art is, and the fact that outreach as art for the sake of art even finds its tiny way

  2. Lydia Polgreen Is the Best

    TAKE NOTES Here in Appalachia, they just kill the trans kids. After torturing them. I’ve seen gasoline poured on them. People looked down. At their feet. People walked away. No one would help this screaming, naked kid. I picked up a rug and wrapped him in it and got him

  3. Tim Barrus New York Times

    Take Notes. I am living in a truck. In the morning, I meet up with my Appalachia neighbors in a coffee shop. We solve the problems of the world. I usually get one these guys to join my side. Hurricane Helena killed husbands, wives, and kids. Body parts are still

  4. TimBarrusNewYorkTimes

    Take notes. Baring witness is important. I do not know why. But the idea that you can talk armed soldiers out of using Rape as a weapon of war is patently absurd and beneath contempt. Who do you think will be shot in the face next. You. Will be shot


    Take Notes. “But, like Mr. Manchin, we should all be rooting for them to succeed.” I’m shocked. I find this statement to be viscous. It defends the RAPIST. What this fool of a homo sapiens who wrote this sickening piece of pornography wants is called compliance. I wrote a book

  6. Tim Barrus New York Times

    Take notes. Legend and mythology are both subject to modern terminology and continual updating. The Iliad was music. The Iliad was a song. The Iliad was voice. The Iliad was history and a lot of it was simply created so Homer could go home. It was Greek but it was

  7. Tim Barrus New York Times

    Take notes. The It is a traitor. I am not going to drink the polite Kool Aid. Politeness is absurd and beneath contempt. The Monstrosity wants to kill us out of naked revenge. I so do not care what Americans want. I will not be told that I have to


    Civil moderation is the status quo at the New York Times. I have begged them to define what civil means. But they are literally not capable of it. The editing is infantile, ignorant, and borders on illiteracy. I wanted to write this differently. But here goes. Kathleen Kingsbury is the

  9. Tim Barrus: NYT TRUMP AS RAPIST

    WHAT IS WRONG WITH NYT’S COLUMNISTS Take notes. What is wrong with you. This piece where you guys get together to moan and whine about IT. It is a criminal. A rapist. Trump is not a human being. He’s an It. Stop sitting around lamenting. It’s intolerable. The despot is

  10. Rich People Have Agency

    Take notes. I am a radical. Not a democrat. Not a republican. There are no independents. They employ the same political and cultural infrastructure – how things work – that the rest of us are compelled to use. Climate: Not a word. It’s the Trump go to for climate change,

  11. Next Flight Out

    Take notes. After I put my kids on the flight out of America, and all the crying had slightly ebbed, I had to sit in the airport for about an hour because I could not get up. I knew I had done the right thing. America is just not a

  12. Walking the Walk

    Take notes. We all want to know, is it worth it. This question haunts us as the Internet becomes a utility. The tech oligarchs are not keen on the idea. One of the things FDR did, was bringing electricity to rural America. The people who got electricity last, knew they

  13. CHER

    Take notes. I was standing on a street corner in San Francisco. I was hardly expecting to see Cher standing beside me. She wasn’t alone. This was rock and roll. A whole army of folks from her tour were right behind her. Cher was concerned that not all of them

  14. Tim Barrus, New York Times

    I stumbled and there, Literary Heist Was. A focused dream of thoughts that are actually thoughts. I wrote a book called GENOCIDE. It picks up where reality (such as it is) left off. And everyone believed it was time to say HIV is not a problem. And now we move

  15. Tim Barrus New York Times

    Take notes. Gay men have formed a survivor’s group that is about older men who survived AIDS. And the AIDS era. Which has not ended. The group is angry with me for questioning the tenet of the tenets. The rule that life is always worth living because it’s life. Living

  16. Tim Barrus, New York Times

    Take Notes. I have to watch what I write. What are the risks of having a voice. As a writer, every time I turn around, there are new rules. There are the NYT rules of etiquette. There are the religious rules about specific words that are not allowed. All new

  17. Tim Barrus, New York Times

    Take notes. The question seems to be: How do we fight back. The alternative torture is to tie ourselves down to any railroad tracks. Oh, we picked #2 refrigerator. Just freeze us for four years. It doesn’t work. Brooks is sensibly telling us to move forward but carefully, and (this

  18. Tim Barrus New York Times

    Take Notes. Leftists? The term is a lie that journalists use in their hypothesis of the definitional political boundaries. Those leftists. But. Who are these so-called leftists. I know this: You made it up. God help us. Who are these people. Who shakes the hand of a Marxist and says:

  19. Tim Barrus New York Times

    Take notes. There are alternatives for renter folks who know how to look. Farms. I was living in a cabin that I built on a mountaintop in the Blue Ridge Mountains. It was pastoral on steroids. Hurricane Helene changed everything. It wiped us out. I am renting a house in

  20. Tim Barrus, New York Times

    Take notes. What I see is a media that is conveniently ignoring one big thing. The American people did this. They want this. They are this. The talking heads were wrong. Optimism is another lie. Hope is not available. It never has been. The Lower Middle Class gets its name

  21. Tim Barrus, New York Times

    Take notes. Adolf Hitler was elected, too. I have been screaming for years that it is us and we are it. Take a good look into the mirror, America. Unless you can get away with putting Republican children in cages, you’re toast. There will be more whining and weeping. Too

  22. On Fighting Back

    Take notes. Trump wants to burn the constitution. He will write the new constitution. He already has. What I want to know is where are the tens of thousands of other people who have sworn to protect the constitution. Trump took this oath to protect. And so did every member

  23. Shawn Mendes

    Take notes. People demand to know if Shawn is gay. These are the people who will make him pay for it. His fan base is mainly composed of fifteen-year-old girls. There’s a lot of anecdotals attached to Shawn. I hear a lot of: No One Cares If He’s Gay. That

  24. A Division Laid Bare

    Take notes. The graphic implies a civil war. It’s in your face. The image works, but not alongside the writing of this particular article. Soltis-Anderson is kinda perky, and very informed. The juxtaposition of the flag, with its message that we are undone, is a whole world away from the

  25. Other People Took the Same Oath

    Take notes. All flights (to anywhere) on November 6 are filling fast. I have already got my family out. The trick is to know when to get out of Dodge. The American people simply do not believe Trump will do what he has pledged to do. The threat to execute