The Felon Rapist Is Killing People With HIV

Take notes. “Our basic civility as a nation.” There it is. The beating heart. The problem is that we have no idea what civility even means. I think it is one thing. Moderators think it’s another. I think everyone should express themselves. Even if I do not agree with where they stand on individual liberties. I’m a big boy, and can read hate without jumping on board. Americans always think they are being subjected to advertising. Because they are. I cannot say what I am not allowed to say. Because it would cut away at their prearranged TV ideas like one naughty word is uncivil. In the face of government shut down, life and death stuff, moderators are looking for a naughty word. To wit: People burdened with HIV around the world are being killed by the Felon. Why do we use his name. Call him the felon. But no.

Moderation chips away at the gravitas of millions of people who are already dead. But they are foreign (as a verb) so we can kill them with impunity and wash our hands of them, and HIV. The felon is no judge. He is not god. He must be shunned. The systems that protect him will be reinforced. We must remove them. To survive. Meanwhile, we are waiting. We are waiting patiently. This dog and pony show you are so protective of will be challenged.

So where are the people outraged about the felon making HIV drugs essentially illegal. A bad word is not a problem. It does not matter if Americans worship a psychotic. It matters if he is killing people and he is. No HIV drugs, period. There must be some way that radicalism can fight back. As long as they use nice words my grandmother would approve of. This is your grandmother’s newspaper.

No bad words even if your life is over. You all will die from a thousand cuts. He is coming for you, and you think civility will save you. “Our basic civility as a nation.” Grow up.

Why can’t we resurrect ACT UP. Act Up knows how to deal full head-on rebellion and they could out-TV-performances by the felon rapist who is killing millions with no HIV meds because he doesn’t like the color of their skin. No drugs no skin in the game. Wanna bet.